Your Current Reality is Only the Projection of Your Limited Thoughts

How life gets stained through the filters of our minds

4 min readMay 25, 2022


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You don’t perceive life as it truly is. You perceive only what you’ve learned to perceive through your limited personal experience.

Hang on. Does that make sense?


We too often fall into the trap of believing far too much in what we think is happening to us. Yes, you read that right. Sometimes we should consider ourselves liars.

Why, did you ask?

Because what we believe to be true and real is not necessarily true or real.

Wait, what?

There couldn’t be a more essential truth that we should all cement in our minds.

Our thoughts, sometimes, lie.

Our mind is a gathering of limited impressions.

We have grown into this world in a certain way, being raised by someone, meeting certain people, experiencing certain things, learning certain lessons, etc.

Truth to be told, all of the things we know are limited. Meaning = we have only learned to perceive life, people, and situations in a particular, limited way.

If, as a kid, I am taught that having breakfast is crucial in the morning, I will grow older, carrying that belief with me. And on the mornings I won’t manage to have breakfast in my adult life, I will feel terribly uncomfortable, maybe also labeling those days as “bad.”

Yet there are also people on this same planet who can go without food for a whole day and still believe to be living a blissful day.

How is that?

That’s because we only perceive life to the extent our mind has been trained to perceive it.

This is the reason why we should more often doubt our own thoughts — in a positive way, obviously — especially when these are being extremely negative.

Focus creates meaning

We can’t change what’s happening in our life, that’s for sure, but we can train our minds to change the meaning we assign to it. And we can do that simply by understanding one important aspect of anyone’s life: FOCUS.

Our focus is a muscle that can be trained however we want to.

Think about it…

When you’re on holiday, maybe on a beautiful beach, with a drink in one hand and the sunset in front of you, it’s very unlikely that you feel sorry for yourself, bored or sad.

Why is that?

Because in that very moment, your focus patterns are triggered only by pleasant things, maybe people, situations, thoughts, and places.

That’s the reason why when people go on holiday, what they’re really looking for is an escape from their usual headspace.

Because unconsciously, they look for a way to trigger their focus patterns differently and immerse themselves in a whole different reality made of pleasant moments only, although temporary.

By the same means, we can do the exact same thing and train our focus patterns to be triggered positively every day of our life without the need of having to go to the Maldives to feel good.

But how do we do that?

It takes some time training and hustling to shape our body in the way we dream for it to be like. Similarly, training our focus to be an advocate for a more positive lifestyle and positive emotions instead of negative ones takes a certain amount of time, consistency, and effort. And it all starts with understanding one thing: that we are accountable.

We are the managers of our emotions. We are the source and the outcome. We are the way through and the finish line. Everything starts within us and ends up in the same place.

Final thoughts

Understanding that only you can make things better is the first step that will allow you to take charge of your own thoughts. And once that’s clear and done, let me ask you…

Where does your mind wander most of the time?

Is your focus constantly drawn to what you are struggling with or what you can’t control versus what you are blessed with and what you can do to change what you don’t like?

Being clear on what we are used to think is essential to acknowledge how we have trained our focus patterns to work. From that point onward, the work that needs to be done will automatically spring before our eyes.

It’s easier than you think.

Thanks for reading.

Interested in learning more about how to deal with overwhelming emotions and the easy-to-apply tools to feel better instantly? Then take a look at my free webinar full of juicy information happening soon!




Seeker of Meaning. Obsessed with researching tools that can enhance the unlimited Human Potential. Let’s live to the fullest.