Your Email List Isn’t Your Most Valuable Asset

How to make money from your email list

Andikan David
3 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

We've all heard the same story.

We’ve probably all heard that “the money is on the list”. And there’s truth to that statement, but not every email list makes money.

You could have an email list with a thousand subscribers and not make any money from it. Why?
Because having email subscribers doesn't guarantee that they'll turn into customers.

Justin Welsh, a writer who has made 6 figures and over shared a story in his newsletter on how he made a lot of money on the launch weekend of one of his courses.

He explained that instead of the usual way people pitched their offers to email subscribers, he used a tool called Direct Message to send personalized messages to his email subscribers.

This tripled the amount of money he made on the launch.

Your true asset

The entire essence of gathering an email list is not just gathering an audience that listens to what you have to say but an audience that buys from you.

Justin Welsh used a psychological technique to increase the sales for his course.
Trust. That’s the secret. People will only buy from people they trust.

As human beings, we are very careful about the kind of things we buy and who we buy them from.

It's the reason why you will see two identical products from different brands but you'll choose the brand that you've heard the most.

Why? Because humans are wired to buy from people they trust.
If you want to convert your email list into an audience that buys from you, you need to build trust with that audience.

They need to know that you can deliver on what you said you'll do.
Here are three ways to build trust with your audience:

1. Social Proof

The easiest way for a person to believe you’ve done something is for someone else to attest to the fact that you did.

Social proof is so powerful because human beings tend to follow the actions of other human beings.
Showing some sort of social proof, maybe a testimonial or a statement that shows the number of people you’ve helped.

This will increase the level of trust people have in you and therefore increase your chances of making a sale.

2. Authority

Just keep on showing up every day with valuable content. This is how you can convert an audience to buyers.

If they consistently see that every week you're giving out valuable insights into the industry they're involved in, they'll build a level of trust that you can provide a service that will help solve their problem.

3. Personal content

One of the quickest ways to build trust is to create content that is personalized to your email subscribers, whether by adding their names to your email or by finding exactly what their point is and creating content that solves it.

Building a relationship with your email subscribers will increase your chances of making sales and therefore increase your chances of building a profitable online business.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️