Your Exercise Routine won't Stop Brain Aging Like These Two Diet Tweaks

A small change can make all the difference

Khyati Jain


A woman eating burger.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Longevity is a puzzle that many brilliant scientists are trying to solve. Exercise, diet, sleep, and stress all play a vital role in a long lifespan.

But a health span is far more important than lifespan. And the biggest component of a health span is brain performance.

You want to live a medium-length life with a healthy brain rather than a long life with a dud brain.

So, taking care of your brain should be a no-brainer.

Diet plays a bigger role in brain health than exercise. So, make these two small tweaks in your diet to slow down brain aging.

1. Decrease your risk of premature death by 27%

Fats are healthy. You can’t survive on a zero-fat diet for longevity.

But you can decrease the chances of premature death by a whopping 27% if you follow a low-fat diet.

Healthy fats can give you a boon of a long life, but only when consumed in moderation.

Douse your garlic bread with a spoonful of olive oil.
Ear fatty fish encrusted with herbs and spices.
Garnish your salads with a handful of nuts.



Khyati Jain

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-