Your Fiction Matters A Hell of a Lot More Than Its Total Views

Spread wide AND go deep

James Taylor Foreman


Photo by SuperRGB on Unsplash

Every day, I write 2 articles and 1 short story. Guess which ones get the most views…

Seriously, my fiction sometimes gets less than 1% the readership of my articles. Should I quit writing stories? Hell no.

My deepest reactions and most meaningful connections have come from my fiction. I learn about myself and take the biggest risks. I make myself laugh. I enjoy the process of writing fiction more than anything else. I have no expectations.

However often you are writing fiction, think of it as a reminder of why you write in the first place.

Keep your “deep” writing separate from your “readable”

At least part of you wants to be heard. By hoards of people. That’s OK, you don’t have to shove that part of you into your mind’s closet. Let it out.

Allow yourself to write those “__ Reasons [Famous Person] Does ___” articles. Not everything needs to be art. When you keep it separate from your fiction, you allow yourself to remain unattached to the outcome.

When those draw attention, you will have plenty of depth for the flood of new people to explore.

Explore and refresh



James Taylor Foreman

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