Your life for 100 followers: deal?

Erum Khalid
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2022

Deal! Take my life but give me THOSE 100 FOLLOWERS!

A picture saying “follow me”
Photo by Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash

I lost my life in search of 100 followers.

This is the price of my being;

This is how cheap I am!

All it takes are 100 followers!

That’s it!

And I am ready,

Ready to through my life away:

The precious time of my limited existence on this earth,

My creative writing goals,

My peace of heart,

My family,

My sleep,

All of it!

I have thrown it all away!!


But I have achieved that milestone! You know,

I have achieved it!

Congratulate me!!

Send your wishes my way.

I have reached THAT MILESTONE!

— The target which kept me awake at night;

— The target, which made me check the medium’s application for million times a day!

— The target which forced me to neglect my family and friends;




I should be happy, right?

Why am I not happy, as they promised I would be?

The happiness which they sell us over and over again, why am I not feeling it?

Where has it gone??

Rather, I am feeling a void,

An emptiness;

As if, this is not what I want.

And it reminded me of a quote from Jim Carry who said that:

I wish everyone could get rich and famous and everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that’s not the answer.

I am having my Jim carry moment surprisingly at a meager achievement of 100 followers.



Is this what I am here for? I questioned myself.

Is this how shortsighted am I?

I jumped on the bandwagon, like everyone else, without giving a second thought to it.

I, a rational human being, have proved to be “not so rational”

I’m not in control, I have realized this once again!

— All those deafening mantras of freedom and free choice have suddenly become silent, leaving me amid my inner chaos!

I’m enslaved,

enslaved to all those popular slogans, and trends.

I’m a sheep in a herd of millions of other sheep…

Or even worse than that,

A sheep doesn’t carry with herself the proud tags of intellect, rationale, and freedom;

But I do carry those weighty titles,

and I am not living up to those tags!

A picture of a woman showing emotions of distress and worry
Photo by Patrick Gillespie on Unsplash


In this algorithmic-driven competitive world, do my emotions even matter?

“Emotions are garbage”, they say.

No one would ever read this article.

No one would even click on it.

It has no clickbait, or what you say “INSANELY KILLER TITLE”

It is not SEO optimized.

No one would ever open it, let alone read it.

Why would anyone spend his/her time reading about my existential crisis?


So congratulate me,

I have achieved my 100 followers goal,

And send your wishes my way !!!

P.S: This story is not an effort to demean the valuable contribution of my followers. From my 1st follower Zack Love to my 100th follower Patricia LeBlanc, I appreciate you all ❤️

Thank you for reading!

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Erum Khalid

Content Writer | Open for work | Niches: Writing, Relationships, Parenting, Pets, Technology, whatnot :)