Your Life Purpose Isn’t to Be Perfect but to Make Your Loved Ones Proud

This means you aren’t selfish.

Shajedul Karim


Photo by Juan Burgos on Unsplash

Happiness is sadness without family around. When they are proud of something you do, that’s when happiness = success.

I’m currently 17 and I always tried to be successful (financially and social-mediatically) but I didn’t know why.

What drove me was something bigger than me or my selfish desires, which I realized later: It was to make my family proud.

When I saw something happening to dad, his eyes getting closed, the head-turning towards the right, heartbeats stopping and not sure why because he never went for a checkup to spend every penny for us, I realized everything.

The worse part was, I felt helpless at that moment. I had zero money for medical expenses. I always stayed away from learning even basic first-aid because it feels like a huge responsibility.

What I learned subconsciously over the years and is now clear in the hindsight is that: The first and the greatest reason you are here in this beautiful world isn’t to suck your parent’s youth and money — it’s to make them proud.

Proud of them giving you birth.
Proud of you for being their child.
Proud you were born.
Proud you were raised well.
Proud they…



Shajedul Karim

My story might not matter but it'll gently touch your interior and remind you how smarter you are. Google forced to include numbers: