Your mind: Bestie or Enemy?

Definitely Frenemy.

Vanessa O.
5 min readOct 24, 2020


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You can banish, cast out, and even remove yourself from society to avoid being influenced by “bad vibes,” but has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the bad vibes are coming from within?

Let me guess, no.

Fine, let’s be fair; at times, there will be outer circumstances and adverse situations that weigh heavily on your mind, and it robs you of peace and puts you into a long streak of mental like re-runs of “A Nightmare on Elm Street.”

This is very typical but extremely unhealthy. But then again, who doesn’t bask in unhealthy behaviors from time to time?

I happen to partake in self-sabotage in the form of eating a half dozen maple bacon donuts in a sitting after doing a 30 day cleanse and then regretting my decision five and a half donuts in, but I digress.

Here’s the thing there is no prescription for how many crystals, spiritual baths, sage, and meditational classes it will take to get your mind in the right place. It starts with taking an in-depth, introspective look at yourself.

Sounds like good ole shadow work to me — now who doesn’t love doing that?

Crash course alert!

Your Aura:

A luminous radiation that emanates from your being, a distinctive yet invisible atmospheric surrounding that pervades and encapsulates your physical body and acts as a subtle sensory stimulus.

Oh YEAH! you’re freaking awesome.

Your Aura is what makes up your life force, or in other words, it’s what makes you, YOU.

There are four significant layers to your Aura:

  1. Gross Body
  2. Subtle Body
  3. Casual Body
  4. Higher Body

Within each body, you have sheaths: A food sheath, vital sheath, mental sheath, intellect sheath, blissful sheath, and the spiritual sheaths. And if we take it a layer deeper, we will find within our sheaths are 13 levels of identity.

Since our focus is on the mind, this is found in the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body is comprised of 6 out of the 13 levels of identity. Yes! That’s nearly half of what makes up your life in one part of your Aura.

Here are the 6 levels of identity found within the Subtle Body:

1. Instinctual Mind

This is found in the vital sheath of the subtle body and is where you can sense external objects through the five senses: touch, sight, hear, smell, and taste. This is also where desire, action, appetite, sleep, and fear reside.

The mental sheath is the second part of your subtle body, and this is where thought forms and ideas are built and then projected from your mind. This sheath consists of three levels of identity.

2. The conscious mind, “The Lower Mind.”

Your conscious mind performs mental duties and directs your actions. It can think, experience, select, reason, and to call attention.

3. Subconscious sensory mind “The Emotional Body.”

This is the part of your mind that is subjective and passive. It doesn’t spend time reflecting because it moves quickly and without physical and mental body collaboration. It’s where we hold memories, feelings, and impressions.

4. Subconscious Habit Mind “The Index Body”

This is your reflexive mind, and it consists of habits that create repetitive expectations and complex, emotionally charged reactions. That’s because this is where your beliefs, conditions, emotions, and defenses are contained.

Lastly is the Intellect sheath; this is the third aspect of your subtle body, which consists of the well known and seemingly understood ego and intellect.

5 & 6. Ego and Intellect “The Connector Body”

Your intellect is your seat of cognition, intelligence, and intuition, which can help you decide, resolve, retain and understand vague ideas.

As for your ego! It shows up, and it makes itself to be presented as your authentic self.

WOW! That’s A LOT!

Ok, now that you are somewhat versed in how the mind-body works, this is where you can begin to determine where you’re experiencing areas of self-sabotage within your subtle body.

Take a minute to reflect and then and let me tell you about my friend, Dani.

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Darling Dani.

She had such an earnest plan to lose weight, which entailed signing up for a luxe gym, purchasing the newest Lulu gear, and of course, the oh so trendy APLs in the color salmon.

Fetching, As If!

Her confidence was through the roof, and to her surprise, she successfully made it through 1 week into her weight-loss journey.

But with FOMO at an all-time high, she found herself struggling to make it back to the gym and to stick with her healthy diet and fitness routine.

Let’s agree, weight loss is hard!

But instead of acknowledging that she struggled because of how complicated it is to lose weight and still maintain a social life. She leaned towards blaming the outings with friends as the culprit for her 4-week junk food binge eating inactive hiatus.

“Umm, Dani. Sorry to break it to you, honey, you have always had this lifestyle. You might want to take a look at your mindset.”

So with the knowledge you’ve gathered about the Subtle Body and mental sheath identities, you can easily see that Dani might have inner mental turmoil with patterns in her subconscious habit-mind and ego.

Good news!

You and Dani are not doomed!

You have the inner power to transform your mind and return to peace, and that ultra extraordinary power is…


Literally! Do not sleep on prayer.

Unlike the gross body (physical body) that requires nourishment through exercise, sleep, and food, the Subtle Body is composed of luminescence, thoughts, and life force energy. It needs to be fed with spiritual food in the form of prayer, mediation, and positive thinking.

If you feed it with negative thoughts and toxic emotions, you will wreak havoc on your life, and the outcome could become irrevocable.

Your words become manifested.

Like many, Dani did not realize her words have power. She would continually say that she is fat repeatedly, and by golly, she became just that!

Whenever you have a so firmly planted thought-form into your mind, your subconscious mind says, “yes! and so it is!” to every deeply felt intention. Then the manifestation of whatever it is, will materialize.

Nothing is ever just happening. You only happen to yourself.

Being enveloped in negative thoughts is acting as an enemy to others and to yourself.

Have you recently noticed that everything around you really sucks and has sucky energy?

If that’s the case, you might want to look at how you’re contributing to your gloom. Don’t just read this passively. Really do it. Because negative thought forms are felt by those around you and can easily obstruct another person’s auric field.

So if you’ve noticed that your boyfriend or your bestie has been acting strange. You might want to do your part, just in case, the problem is you.

It’s the easiest thing to do.

Use Prayer to transform your mind from torment into a heavenly state of euphoria in a matter of moments and, most importantly, transform you into your very best friend.



Vanessa O.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Writer on how to energetically glow up your life through self-improvement, self love and energy healing practices in a practical way