Cobblestones Of Pain And Failure To Success

Pain And Failure Are Cobblestones To Success!

Success Never Comes From Comfort Zones And Dependency!

Deon Christie
Published in
6 min readNov 5, 2023


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Your Path To Success Is Paved With Cobble Stones Of Pain And Failure

What you will learn from this Medium story.

Pain and failure are cobblestones to success introduction.

You cannot pave a path with one or two cobblestones.

Success means getting comfortable with pain and failure.

The conclusion of pain and failure are cobblestones to success.

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Pain and failure are cobblestones to success introduction.

With this article, we will discuss why pain and failure are the cobblestones to success. Because it’s the “hurdles” you are often not told about. Pain is necessary, and failure is imminent because that’s how the cobblestones that pave your path to success get “made”. The road to success is not quite as “easy” as is often suggested.

The road to success is not an established path, you must collect your own cobblestones. And you have to pave your own path to success through pain and failure. The ONLY guarantee you have while working your way to success is that you are going to be in pain. You are bound to fail and the only thing you can do about it is to keep going!

Keep failing, keep enduring the pain and become a success path cobblestonefactory”. But how do we know? Well, we failed for nearly a decade before seeing some worthwhile results. Perhaps some people just take a bit longer than others. Especially when you get started with zero computer skills or knowledge and have no idea what you’re doing.

We have been there and failed more times than we care to recall, but all the pain added up to an arsenal of knowledge. It also provided all the cobblestones we needed to pave our path to success. And no, we are no dot com millionaires…yet. We have just failed long enough to finally succeed and allow “luck” to find us.

Get comfortable with failure, familiarize yourself with pain and focus on your goal to reach success. Your goal is to keep paving your path with failure and pain cobblestones until you reach success. Not until your back hurts from laying the cobblestones. And your back is going to hurt, we can assure you.

You cannot pave a path with one or two cobblestones.

It is not possible; neither is it logical and that is just how success works because you will never win more than you lose. If you do, then congratulations, you must be the first person in history. Success does not work like that, but the longer it takes the sweeter the victory. Get used to just laying those cobblestones.

It is not even remotely possible to lay a “path” of any kind with but one or two cobblestones. The road to success is NOT that short! It is a long and winding path, and it is going to hurt you more than you can imagine. The question is, What will you do with that pain? Will you turn your pain and failure into cobblestone power, or just sit there and weep?

Get up, take the heap of cobblestones next to you and start laying your path to success. The “sooner you start”, the sooner you will “get there”. Failure is not defeat and pain is not permanent, regret, however, is permanent. What if I did this? What if I did that? How about, if you get started right now? Because the time will NEVER be perfect.

Although you cannot pave your path to success with one or two cobblestones. There is also no cobblestone count, cobblestone size though (how bad it hurts) might play a role. Everyone’s path to success is different, the length of the road is calculated with failure. But you only have to succeed once and then build from there.

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Success means getting comfortable with pain and failure.

Rest assured in the knowing that all that pain, every drop of sweat, and each failure will one day add up to success. Before you know it, your “one day” will be “today”. From a “making money online” point of view, or anything else for that matter. You only have to “get one”. Make one sale, reach one goal, and accomplish one task. Then move on to the next.

Keep failing your way to success no matter the pain, it is just a distraction. Success will keep “avoiding” you for as long as each little bend in the road is perceived as the end of the road. There is no final destination, there is no time frame for success, there is only persistence. Everyone wants to be successful; few are willing to endure the pain.

The ”winners” are not those who never failed, and never had any pain. No, they are the ones who refused to give up, no matter how excruciating the pain. Not paying any mind to the number of failures, only focusing on their goals and refusing to give up. If you see someone succeed then consider the pain and failure they had to go through.

Unless you’re “born with the silver spoon in the mouth” then get comfortable with pain and failure to succeed. If you were, then we’re happy for you too. Because somewhere down your ancestral path, someone paved the cobblestone road to success with pain and failure. It is the price, and someone will have to pay it.

The conclusion of pain and failure are cobblestones to success.

On your way to success, you might just as well get comfortable with pain and failure. Because you need the failure and every bit of pain to obtain the cobblestones needed to pave your path to success. That is just how life and success work, someone has to pay the price for success. A currency that requires pain, sweat, tears, and failure.

There are no shortcuts because every person is responsible for their own cobblestones. It cannot be bought, and it cannot be reasoned with, it can only be conquered. No one is coming to achieve success for you and give you the cobblestones you need. Success is a DIY project, and it requires nothing less than maximum effort.

Embrace failure as knowledge and see the opportunity in pain. Because that’s what pain and failure are, they are disguised as knowledge and opportunity. It’s all about perception and your response toward pain and failure. That is what makes the difference, perception and response. Along with the desire to keep going no matter what.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Do you agree that pain and failure are the cobblestones to success? Have you generated any money online yet? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, or creating content?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Pain And Failure Are Cobble Stones To Success!” story on Medium is concluded. And with that, you now know why pain and failure are the cobblestones to pave your path to success.

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Deon Christie

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