Your problem is: A blessing

We are just in the process

Fayzen K.
2 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

For the past few days, my mind has kept me company in the form of worries. As graduation draws closer, I feel more perturbed by the thoughts of the future. Like almost every student whose ambitions fly higher than his approach, I feel torn between my heart’s desire and the practicalities of achieving it. If desire gives me wings, then logic takes the sky away from me to fly.

Life has changed drastically from living in dreams to dreaming about life. This is the stage where I stand inert between taking a bold step to move forward or falling into the abyss of eternal regret. As I feel surrounded by the clouds of gloominess, the smile of my parents has proved to be a ray of sunshine piercing through them. It binds me with a promise to make them proud and not to give up.

The only thing that keeps me motivated is believing that God has taken me under His special supervision. If I have started to think about my life and dreams, then that is a sign that I am growing. I believe that I am in the process and my life will be formed in the crucible of these hurdles. There is something wrong if life is going smoothly, as only a storm in the sea creates stronger sailors. If I compare myself to the man I was last year, then I have come a long way; I was laid back, I was not serious about life, and I was impervious to advice. But now I’m a wholly different person, I am inclined to carve my destiny from the shattered pieces of broken dreams.

God works in mysterious ways, even the adversaries are a blessing in disguise from Him. The more I focus on the brighter side, the more contented and happier I feel, there is a reason for me to feel proud of myself and I will never let this chance go in vain. I’m happy that I am in the process, and I know that I’ll forever cherish these days when I succeed in my efforts.

Do not worry! You are just in the process.

If you like, you can buy me a cup of coffee as it would keep me motivated to write at night hehe.
Free hugs 🤗, feel better as we all are together in this. We Can and We Will!



Fayzen K.

A young, passionate and an ambitious boy. Writes for fun, to express idea and above all, to embark on a journey while making friends on the way.