Relationships | Inspiration | Creativity

Your Relationships Have An Energy Vibration

So Does Everything You Create

Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon
3 min readJul 14, 2020


blue and pink fractals on a dark background
fractal-2573303_1280 by dawnydawny on Pixabay

When you create something new, pay attention to your intentions.

Whether it’s a new business or product or a new relationship, your energy will affect how your creation is viewed by others.

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

Everyone’s soul has a unique energy vibration.

There are gifted people who can read soul records (called Akashic records). These records are energy imprints. Each one contains information about the unique gifts, energy vibrations, rhythms, talents and abilities of that soul.

Similar souls resonate. They are drawn into soul groups with each other.

Because they resonate, they interact in relationships called clusters or families. I call them familiarity groups.

It’s an interesting way to perceive the world.

When your eyes meet across a crowded room and you make a connection, it’s your soul talking. There’s something about the…



Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world.