Your Sharp and Thoughtless Words Can Scar a Child for Life

So mind your language and think before you talk

Judith Uusi-Hakimo


A father sitting on the sofa talking to his son. His finger pointing at his son who is standing in front of him.
Photo by August de Richelieu:

If you’re reading this article right now, and if you talk to your children harshly, rudely, and disrespectfully, YOU need to stop it.

What you’re doing is awful, and you’re hurting your children. They may not show you their feelings, but you must know that your actions have lasting negative repercussions.


Hurtful language from adults can have damaging and long-lasting effects on children’s mental health. Inappropriate words from parents, teachers and other adult figures in a child’s life can leave deep scars that last into adulthood.

The rude or aggressive language used against children can create an environment of fear, insecurity, and mistrust. It also can negatively shape their self-esteem and confidence in their abilities growing up.

Unfortunately, many children suffer hurtful, rude, and inappropriate words from their parents. It can be traumatizing for a child to grow up under such harsh conditions and have their feelings constantly disregarded, and it can lead to devastating effects on a child’s mental health that may haunt them later in life.




Judith Uusi-Hakimo

A Nurse by profession. A mother of three and a wife of one. A storyteller and an aspiring writer.