Your Wish Has Been Granted!

Jaspreet Kaur
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2024

I’m pretty sure that each one of us is aware of the concept of Manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Today, the Internet serves us whatever we seek and the generation we are in is never satisfied and always wants more, and the concept of Manifestation is the only quick way we all have found to get everything that we desire, all thanks to the internet. Today, almost every other content creator talks about the Law of Attraction or manifestation because they know this is all that the audience wants, to make their every desire, a reality.

Concept Of Manifestation

In the rarest case possible, if you are not that aware of this term, I’ll try to quickly explain this.

So, the concept of manifestation says, that whatever we desire or wish, we can actually turn that into a reality just by raising the frequency of our thoughts to our desires.

In simple words, if you want to buy a dream house, dream about it, visualize that like you actually own that house, feel the feeling of completion, thank God and the Universe for always listening to you, and create a calm frequency of your thoughts like you have that home already. Most importantly, never show any desperation towards that because that would create a feeling of lack of that home. And this is how the universe will actually conspire to bring your vision to reality and you wouldn’t even know how.

Reasoning behind this concept.

They say, our words are energies. Whatever we say or radiate, remains in this universe as the energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

So, our words that remain in the universe find the vibrations equivalent to their frequency. Hence, by being positive, showing gratitude, and creating a high energy frequency we can create a space to attract those thoughts as reality.

This concept is highly popularized by the book “The Secret”.

Does this actually work?

In my opinion, it does work.

Whatever thought, vision, goal, dream, or desire that I ever had, has turned into a reality at some point in my life. But the only difference is, I was never aware of this concept and I never tried to manifest anything intentionally. All I did was, have a goal, I used to dream of living that goal as a reality someday (again unintentionally) and I didn’t even know how all those dreams turned into a reality one day.

But one day, I became aware of this concept. I came to know the reasoning behind whatever happened in my life till now and somehow I got this feeling that I can actually manifest anything that I want now and that was the worst thing that I did.

When you are naive, you feel blessed for every little happiness that you get and Thank God for creating that magic in your life but the day you become aware of such concepts, you start believing that all the power is in your hands and trust me, every thing that you manifest intentionally would never give the happiness that a prayer in front of God as a naive kid, would give.

What went wrong?

So, when I knew I could have everything that I wanted just by doing some manifestation techniques, I felt powerful. I saw a video on the manifestation where the experts said, take a piece of paper and write down every quality that you want in your partner. Write very precisely as to how he should look, how he should talk, what vibe he should radiate, how you would feel around him, write every detail, even the amount of money that you want your future partner to have, write everything down but do not give a face to your imagination.

I did the same. I wanted to attract my soulmate, my partner, and wrote down every little detail about him, and after 5–6 months I randomly got a friend request from someone who was an acquaintance, a cousin of my friend but I had never met him before, nor I ever spoke to him, I just knew him by his name.

I accepted his request and I don’t know how we started talking as if we had known each other for so long. He was exactly how I wrote on that piece of paper and there’s not even a little exaggeration in this. He was exactly the face of all the features I mentioned. I thought I finally manifested my dream guy and that too so easily. I could hear the universe screaming,

Your wish has been granted.

I was on cloud nine. We chatted day and night and in two months I realized he lacked something which is totally unavoidable for me, the feeling of genuineness towards me. He was as humorous, as kind, as good-looking, as soft-spoken, as I always wanted but I could sense he was not the one for me. I would spend a lifetime making that space in his life, fill all the diaries of the universe for manifesting those feelings from him but I still would never get that from him and that’s when I realized this is not what I want in my life so, I let him go and made a distance.

My Realizations.

There is a power there, who already knows what is good for us and what is not. He knows what we deserve and when we shall get it. When we start keeping ourselves above that power and take control in our own hands that’s when we ruin everything.

No doubt our every manifestation will come true. We will get what we want but the question is, are we capable enough to know what is good and what is not for us?

This was a big reality check for me. I still have wishes, and I still dream because that shouldn’t stop but I also bow down to the universe to grant me what he thinks that I am worthy of.

Do share your opinion on this :)



Jaspreet Kaur

I'm a full time corporate employee living in India. I like writing, reading, travelling and trying different things to break my comfort zone.