You’re Being Manipulated By Dead People You’ve Never Heard of Before

Jake Meiss
Published in
6 min readFeb 11, 2021


No Seriously.

©Martine Franck / Magnum Photos

You’ve probably never seen or heard of the man in the picture above and yet I can guarantee that he has had a massive impact on the way that you think about the world.

That is strange. And it’s also illustrative of one of the most troubling features of our time — the degree to which people have become completely unaware of the ideology that they espouse.

Let me show you what I mean.

Have you ever heard of microaggressions, hate speech, systemic racism, implicit bias, safe spaces, white privilege, diversity, or that racism is “power plus privilege?” How bout political correctness, talk of “marginalized” and “dominant” groups, power and oppression, privilege and victimhood, cultural appropriation, tolerance, inclusivity, deconstruction, cancel culture, lived experience, something being described as “problematic”, or that gender is a spectrum?

I’d be willing to bet that you have.

But have you ever heard of Critical Theory or read anything by Derrick Bell, Max Horkheimer, or Herbert Marcuse? Do you know what Postmodernism is? How about Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, or Jean-François Lyotard? Have you ever heard of Standpoint Theory, Intersectionality, or read anything by Kimberlé Crenshaw…



Jake Meiss

I'm an electrical engineer with a passion for ideas. Christianity, philosophy, politics, worldview, and social commentary.