Why You’re Not a Sucker for Paying for Porn

You’re a responsible and ethical consumer.

Emme Witt-Eden
Published in
6 min readMay 13, 2021


Image by Fernando Gimenez.

Porn performers are often exploited by production companies that pay them a pittance and then reap the gains of ad revenue or resell the content to other markets. Sometimes producers outright trick women into creating adult content they believe will be distributed in video form overseas, only to find the clips posted on sites like PornHub.

Shooting for production companies, performers’ boundaries often aren’t respected. They show up for a vanilla shoot only to find it devolve into BDSM.

To better protect themselves from such exploitation, they may try to strike out on their own, but then realize it costs a lot of money to shoot their own content. It’s pricey to buy the adequate equipment to create porn with the high production values that consumers have come to expect.

Even when performers manage to create this high-quality content on their own, they’re met with a problem. Too many porn consumers don’t want to pay to watch it.

Twitter user 8WayF certainly feels this way about paying to subscribe to performers’ personal fan pages, tweeting:

“Subscribing” to someone for literal nude images that take .5 seconds to take and post is the possibly…most wasteful thing you can do…



Emme Witt-Eden

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl. emmewitt.com