You're not lucky

You're just hardworking

3 min readDec 11, 2023


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Do you believe in the concept of “luck”?

The idea that some people were destined for great things, and some people were destined to live on the streets.

I have to admit, that some people were given much better positions than others.

I was born to parents who had jobs.

Parents who had a place to live, a good relationship with each other, and wealth.

But not all people are like that.

“We all have the same 24 hours in the day, so why do some people achieve more?”

A part of it is because of their existing position in life.

Part of the reason why this man was successful could be that he got to go to this college.

Part of the reason could be because he had a natural talent for this thing.

But a huge part of the reason is because he worked for it.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

People see the success that surrounds you.

People includes you too.

You see the people who do well around you and think “Oh well the have connections with this person so they have an advantage”

If you had connections with that person, would you be in his position?

Think about it.

Our life is not only made up of what we were born with.

Our life is predominantly made up of our actions.

You can create your luck.

Everyone has opportunities.

Are they equal?


But everyone still has opportunities.

The thing that’s holding us back from taking them, is fear.

The fear of responsibility.

The fear of confrontation.

The fear of failure.

But it really does not matter if your first try was a fail.

All you need to do is make sure that the failure is not repeated.

Photo by David Pupăză on Unsplash

Here’s a little story.

I bought this uniform that turned out to be 5 sizes to big (imagine how that looks).

But I was too scared (and lazy) to return it so I was thinking “it’s ok I’ll grow into it”.

I did not grow into it, in fact, I think I grew smaller.

So I bough a jacket to cover my poor financial decisions.

I tried on the jacket, it was too big.

But instead of learning from my mistakes and changing the size.

I repeated the same mistake. (oops)

Now, you could say I’m “unlucky”

But really I just made very bad decisions and this is completely my fault.

I had every opportunity to change my state, but I didn’t.

So don’t be like me, and take the opportunity (don’t be lazy).

Create your luck.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


You can create luck.

Take opportunities that you see.

Make use of what you have.




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