You’re not “ Woke,” You’re Weak and Pathetic, so Grow Up

Have a sense of humor and consider the source

Lawson Wallace


Photo by Dmitry Demidov from Pexels

It might be because I grew up on and around military bases and soldiers and soldier’s kids. I have always had a foul mouth and a crude sense of humor.

It was not an unusual occurrence, I would be hanging at the smoking area. My classmates and I would banter and hurl insults. No one ran to the Principal and cried.

We were insensitive and crude

Not one of my classmates complained to their parents. There was no controversy and no one cried.

It’s a different world now, and it’s a sad thing. My classmates and I learned early that the world can be a tough place and people are not always nice.

Hurt feelings do not equal moral superiority

Do I have feelings? of course, I do, but do I hang my feelings on my sleeve and cry every time I’m insulted? no, I do not. I don’t waste energy worrying about people compensating for their sexual inadequacies.

A TV producer had to quit a new Game Show hosting job after one taping. Why was he pressured to quit? He said something “funny” but “offensive” on a Podcast years ago, it came to light and that was it.



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.