You’re the Woman Across the Room For Her!

Sowmya Gonepally
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2024
Photo by Macrovector on Freepik

Last Wednesday, I was in office. I had just finished lunch and was entering our floor. I saw my friend from a distance. She looked at me and we both waved at each other. We kept looking and smiling at each other until we came a little closer. During that time, I was thinking, “She’s so pretty. She looks great all the time. Her skin is flawless.”

When we got closer, she smiled and said, “looking cute”. I was taken aback. It reminded me of a post I saw a few days ago on pinterest.

Photo by xSha_dow on Pinterest

It got me thinking how, as women, we often feel that other women are always prettier. Little do we realize that other women also look at us and find us pretty and look up to us. We’re the women across the room for other women.

You’re the woman across the room for her

Women often fall in comparison trap and feel insecure about the way they look. Society has set beauty standards for women. Not adhering to them makes women feel less pretty.

With the advent of social media, this has only worsened. We compare ourselves with filtered images and feel depressed about not looking a certain way.

But nobody has it all. Nobody has the best of all features. Some have good skin tone, while some have pretty eyes. Some have good physique, while some have silky hair. You and I also have some pretty features. We’re just focused on what we don’t have!

I used to compare myself a lot. I still do, but much less now. I’ve realized that nobody looks good all the time. Often times, people look the way they do because they’ve put effort into their appearance. Appearance is not always about complexion or physique. It has a lot to do with outfit, accessories, makeup and hairstyle. A good outfit with accessories and a hairstyle can make any woman or anyone for that matter, look great regardless of skin tone or physique.

Let’s not overlook ourselves while looking at others. Everybody is unique and beautiful in their own way.

Look at yourself and embrace your own beauty before you admire others’!

I’m still learning to be fully comfortable in my skin. I’m sure I’ll get there!

