Youth Safety

Dr Ron Pol
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2020



Photo by Efren Barahona on Unsplash

Safe, say media.

OK to party and play.

Death stalks all nearby.

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Transmission occurs long before cases are ‘known’, especially when testing is limited, as remains the case in the US and many countries, despite evidence of its effectiveness, as Tomas Pueyo graphically reveals.

The harsh reality is that most people will be oblivious they’re spreading the virus for a week or two before they get symptoms. One study found a median 5.1 days for symptoms to appear, and up to 97.5% of cases in 11.5 days. That’s a long time with exponential spread. Just ask Hermes Solenzol Ph.D. about that (also with handy charts). Another study found that the virus arrived in Italy around 1 January 2020, long before Italy’s first case appeared (20 February). By then, the virus had already spread throughout the entire region. (Links in These Actions Will Determine the Severity of COVID-19 and “Okay, Let’s Roll”).

Another study — on the cruise ship Diamond Princess — found that 18% (or more) of infected people showed no symptoms at all.

This means that a lot of people — young, old, whatever, the virus doesn’t care — will pass it on long before they get symptoms, and may never show symptoms; completely oblivious to the…



Dr Ron Pol

Outcomes science, applied to life. Current main focus AML/CFT. Outcomes architect, loves engaging with open minds. See: