YouTube Ads Are Getting Seriously Boring. Here’s What We Can Learn From Them And How Not To Repeat Their (Costly) Mistakes

When boring becomes more boring.

Aldric Chen


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

YouTube, in a funny way, is inserting more boring advertisements into a 10-minute clip. Before 2021, all I had to do was skip one advertisement (ad) in the middle of my video clip. Today, I might have to skip over 1 ad every 3 minutes.

I get it. Advertisers pay good money to YouTube to reach out to the correct customer profiles. That is the marvel of the digital economy.

The funny thing is, many of the ads are actually targeted at my spouse. There is no reason for me to watch ads for future travel, 7-star hotel stays, and happy ladies strutting themselves down the lane of Mongkok in Hong Kong.


Today, it happened to me again. I was watching a webinar on investing and trading that was put on YouTube.

That clip was 30 minutes long, with 4 ads sprinkled in between. Instead of skipping them, I decided to watch them for once.

I was curious.

Ad # 1 — Selling Me An Online Course For Investment Trading.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.