Interesting Facts

10 Interesting Facts About Earth you should know

Explore the mysterious facts of the Our Blue Planet.

The Daily Updater


Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

Earth the third planet from the sun, is a captivating and dynamic celestial body that harbors an array of fascinating features. Earth’s delicate balance of materials, temperatures, and ecosystems continues to astound and amaze scientists and explorers alike since it is the only planet known to support life.

1. Blue planet

Earth is also known as the “Blue Planet” because there is present a higher percentage of water. 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by Water. The planet looks like Blue from outer space. This property of Earth separates it from all other planets present in our solar system. It is the fifth-largest planet in the solar system due to its size.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

The blue color of Earth is made because of the interaction of sunlight with the molecules of water (H2O) such as its seas, ocean, lakes, and also the atmosphere. Sunlight is made up of different colors, and also with different wavelengths. When sunlight reaches Earth, the shorter wavelengths present, which contain blue and violet light, are separated apart in the atmosphere due to this process, it’s called Scattering.

2. Largest Rocky Planet

This atmosphere shields the planet from harmful solar radiation, maintains a stable climate, and regulates temperature through the greenhouse effect. The four rocky planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are the closest four planets to the Sun. They have a solid surface and a core which is mainly made of iron. They are much smaller than the gas planets and rotate more slowly.

3. Only Planet with liquid water

Earth is the only planet where water is present on its surface. Water is very important for the life of living creatures. It plays an important role in different processes of the earth. Moderate Temperature Range: Earth’s relatively stable climate maintains an average surface temperature suitable for liquid water to persist.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Water Cycle:

Earth’s intricate water cycle — comprising evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff — helps redistribute and replenish water across various ecosystems. This cycle is facilitated by the planet’s atmospheric composition and temperature range.

Earth comparisons with Other Celestial Bodies. While water exists in various forms across our solar system, Earth stands apart due to its abundance of liquid water.

4. Tectonic Activity and Earth’s Dynamic Geology

Lithospheric Plates:

The Earth’s outer shell, known as the lithosphere, is divided into several large and small plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates interact with one another due to the underlying convective currents in the mantle, causing them to move and interact over time.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash

Plate Boundaries Tectonic activity primarily occurs at the boundaries between these lithospheric plates. There are three main types of plate boundaries:

• Divergent Boundaries :

Plates move away from each other. This movement creates mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys where new crust is formed as magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap.

• Convergent Boundaries:

Plates move towards each other. This can result in subduction zones, where one plate is forced beneath another into the mantle, leading to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes.

• Transform Boundaries:

Plates slide past each other horizontally. The friction between the plates causes stress to build up, eventually releasing earthquakes along faults such as the San Andreas Fault in California.

5. The Moon’s Influence on Earth

The same side of the Earth always faces the Moon. This phenomenon is also observed in the Moon itself, which always presents the same face as the Earth. The Moon’s gravitational pull and its influence on tides have indirect effects on Earth’s climate.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

Throughout human history, the Moon has held cultural and symbolic significance in various societies.

6. Earth’s Oxygen-Rich Atmosphere

Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen, with trace amounts of other different gases. This oxygen-rich atmosphere supports many organisms to respire and breathe easily. The oxygen reacted with elements like iron, forming iron oxide minerals that settled to the ocean floor and accumulated over time in what we now recognize as iron-rich sedimentary rocks.

7. The Earth’s Magnetic Field: A Natural Guardian

Our beautiful planet Earth possesses a vital characteristic called the field. The Earth’s magnetic field protects the Earth by deflecting solar winds. Magnetic compasses use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate north, south, east, and west.

The Earth’s magnetic field arises from the movement of molten iron and nickel in its outer core.

8. The Habitability of Earth: A Delicate Balance

Comprising primarily nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), along with trace amounts of other gases, the atmosphere serves as a protective shield against harmful solar radiation, while also regulating temperature through the greenhouse effect.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

9. The Magnitude of Earth’s Biodiversity

The phrase “biodiversity,” which combines the terms “biological” and “diversity,” describes the enormous variety of living forms that exist on our planet.

Ecosystem services provided by biodiversity include clean air and water, fertile soil, disease regulation, climate regulation, and even cultural and aesthetic values. Moreover, biodiversity serves as a source of food, medicine, and inspiration for technological innovation.

10. The Ever-Shifting Earth: A Tale of Changing Continents

Throughout millions of years the continents, on Earth have experienced a continuous movement caused by the shifting of plates. This natural process, widely known as plate tectonics has resulted in the changing positions of landmasses. Even gave rise to supercontinents like Pangaea.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

These interesting facts merely scratch the surface of what makes our planet so captivating. The dynamic processes occurring on Earth along with its web of life truly make it an extraordinary place in the universe.

Our beloved home, Earth is an ever-evolving planet. One of its features is the constant motion and transformation of its continents. Plate tectonics is at the core of this phenomenon — an interplay between slabs called tectonic plates that fit together like puzzle pieces on Earth’s outermost layer known as the lithosphere. These plates float atop a layer called the asthenosphere. Driven by the movement within Earth’s interior these plates interact in various ways resulting in awe-inspiring features such, as mountains, ocean trenches, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Final Thoughts

Throughout millennia land masses have undergone a dance of separation and convergence shaping the dynamic landscape we know today.

Interesting Facts About Earth
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

One notable instance of this phenomenon is the cycle of supercontinents, where landmasses unite to form landmasses before eventually dispersing once more. An illustrious example of such a supercontinent is Pangaea, which thrived 335 million years ago.

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“This story is written by M Aslam Waheed.”



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