10 Ways Economic Hardship is Good For Us

“Prosperity equals advantage.” Or does it?

Kelly Crawford
4 min readSep 20, 2023


Photo by Creativa Images

“Prosperity equals advantage.”

Do you believe that?

I am fascinated with the irony of this mentality most Americans hold dear. Maybe even more so since I hear often, as a mother of 11, about “affording all those children.

All of us believe, somewhere deep within, that to prosper financially puts us at an advantage. And in many ways that can be true (nor am I an advocate of “poor on purpose.”) Hey, we’re an entrepreneur family; I think of ways to make money in my sleep.

However, history reveals hundreds of men and women whose very hardship catapulted them to distinction through the chiseling of character, (snatching our bosom-clutched, false assumptions right out of our hands), yet we still refuse to nod at scarcity or give it its due reward for human improvement.

Hard times can have immensely positive effects on people, families and society.



Kelly Crawford

Follower of Jesus, wife, homeschooling mother of 11, blogger, author, speaker, introvert & entrepreneur.