11 Short Story Writing Tips For Beginners

No-nonsense tips that’ll kick your creativity into high gear.

Samanta Writes
4 min readApr 5, 2024
Short Story Writing Tips For Beginners
picture made on playground.ai

So grab your favorite writing mug, and let’s get down to business with these 11 short story writing tips for beginners.

1. Start with a Bang


Kick off your story with a hook that grabs readers by the throat and refuses to let go.


  • unexpected twists,
  • intriguing mysteries,
  • mind-bending revelations.


Waste time with dull openings that leave readers yawning and checking their watch.

Avoid clichés like the plague and opt for something that smacks readers right in the face from the get-go.

2. Know Thy Audience


Understand who you’re writing for and tailor your story to their tastes and preferences.

Whether it’s horror junkies, romance enthusiasts, or sci-fi aficionados, speak their language and give them what they crave.


Assume that one size fits all when it comes to storytelling.



Samanta Writes

Self-improvement articles to help you live your best life.