12 Tips for a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2024

These helped me grow my LinkedIn from 0 to over 2k followers within 5 months.

4 min readJul 30, 2023


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

LinkedIn has changed. It is not for only job seekers anymore. It’s a platform to connect with people, generate opportunities and build your brand.

1 out of every 3 professionals on the planet are on LinkedIn - Jason Miller

If you’re not using LinkedIn or at least have a well-optimized profile, you’re missing out on opportunities.

I studied over 100 LinkedIn profiles and in this blog I’m going to help you build an all star LinkedIn profile.

1/ Your Banner

It’s the topmost part of your profile.

Think of it like a billboard. It should be simple, clean, and customized.

Include what you do or how you can help the visitor and add a call to action.

Do not use a stock photo or scenery. And do not leave it empty.

Check out thousands of free banner templates here.

2/ A good headshot

Your profile photo should look professional yet friendly.

It should be a recent photo. And it shouldn’t be a long-distance shot.

Use a specific background colour to make it look more professional.

(Tip: Select 2–3 brand colours and use them for your banner, profile picture background, carousels, and featured section thumbnails. It makes your profile look more professional, visually appealing, and consistent.)

3/ Hook your Target Audience with your Headline

Make your headline clear, not clever (copywriting 101).

Simply, describe what you do, how you can help the prospect or your role in a company or any significant accomplishment. First impressions last. Remember-

You can’t be something to everyone but you can be everything to someone.

4/ Headline Link and CTA

Just below the headline, you can add direct links.

These can be directed to your website, lead magnet (eBook, webinar), course page, or Calendly.

Remember to use an appropriate CTA for your link.

  • Call link → Book a 1:1 power hour with me
  • Get my free ebook → Grab your free LinkedIn growth playbook
  • Download pdf → Get 15 copywriting tips delinow

5/ Creator Mode

Turning on the creator mode will help you increase your reach, check analytics, conduct audio events, and launch a newsletter on LinkedIn.

And the follow button will appear on your profile.

You also get the option to add 5 tags so people with similar interests can follow you.

6/ Sell more with an optimized featured section

This is a good place to show your 3 best offers. It can be your-

  • Website link
  • Link to a lead magnet
  • Link to your course
  • Link to a consultation call
  • Newsletter link
  • Link to book a call with you
  • Your portfolio
  • Best posts

7/ About section

Your about section should speak directly to your target audience.

Use the PAS (Problem, Agitation, Solution) copywriting framework to craft an about section that does a great job at converting clients.

Make sure to talk a bit about your story and expertise here.

LinkedIn introduced a new feature to include your 3–5 top skills in the about section. It will help the visitor immediately know your expertise.

8/ Experience

Include all relevant experiences. For past jobs, briefly mention your role and impact (include data).

If you’re a freelancer, solopreneur, or entrepreneur, talk about how you can help your target audience through your business.

With LinkedIn’s new update, you can mention the skills you learnt/ applied in each case.

(Ps- The experience section looks different for job seekers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. For specific help, reach out to me on LinkedIn.)

9/ Educational Qualification

You can skip this section if you want. But it’s always a good idea to mention where you went to university. It helps you connect with Alumni, get referrals, recommendations, opportunities, and build a strong network.

10/ Skills and endorsements

Add your best skills. Arrange them in the order of expertise. Your top 3 skills will be displayed on your profile.

Get endorsements for your skills to increase credibility.

How to get endorsements?

  • Reach out to people.
  • Endorse others who genuinely deserve it. It often triggers them to reciprocate.
  • Show up and deliver value consistently.

11/ Licenses and certifications

The licenses and certification you mention here should serve a purpose. It should show you’re qualified and know what you’re doing. Don’t overdo it.

12/ Recommendations

Having strong recommendations helps others trust you. It’s social proof for your services, products, courses, and consultations.

Get recommendations from past clients, colleagues, peers, and managers.

If found this article helpful, leave a clap and follow me on Medium. Drop your questions in the comments below and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

In case you need more specific help with setting up your LinkedIn and growth tips, reach out to me on LinkedIn.




Exploring my curiosity | Reader, writer, artist, traveler