
12 Truths: Embracing Life’s Challenges

Embrace the truths that can shape your mindset and approach to life.

Tyler Lubben BBA
5 min readFeb 28, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Life is a journey that is not always easy or fair. We cannot deny the challenges and difficulties that come our way. Instead of being discouraged, let us shift our perspective and become less impressed and more involved in overcoming these challenges. In this article, I will share some valuable lessons I have learned along my own journey. These insights from experience and personal reflection have shaped my mindset and approach to life. While they may resonate with you, remember that truths are universal and open for all to embrace. So, let us dive in and explore these enlightening signposts on the path to satisfaction.

1. Life’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It

Life is inherently challenging, and we cannot expect it to be easy or fair. The key is to avoid falling into the entitlement trap, where we see ourselves as victims. Instead, let’s embrace the fact that most things worth pursuing are more rewarding when we put in the effort. Challenges test our resilience and dedication, and that’s where true growth happens.

2. Personalize the Truth: Finding Clarity Within

Truth is everywhere, but we often fail to recognize it. To access the truth, we need to be in the right mindset and environment. By engaging in activities such as meditation, prayer, self-reflection, or surrounding ourselves with the right company, we open ourselves up to receiving clarity. Once we internalize this truth, we must find the courage to act on it and integrate it into our daily lives.

3. Unbelievable Is Overrated

The term “unbelievable” is excessively employed and diminishes our capacity to value genuine greatness truly. Rather than dismissing extraordinary achievements as unbelievable, let’s acknowledge them for what they are. Let’s recognize acts of greatness as real and exceptional while also acknowledging our potential for both good and evil as human beings. We should aim for honesty in our assessments and avoid being naive about the world we inhabit.

4. Embrace the Journey, Live in the Present

Life is not a race or competition but an ongoing journey with no predetermined destination. Instead of obsessing over future outcomes, learning to live in the present is important. Embrace the process, find joy in the pursuit, and celebrate small victories along the way. By doing so, we can create a fulfilling and abundant life that goes beyond the need for external validation.

5. Happiness vs. Joy: Understanding the Difference

Happiness is often considered the ultimate goal, but it is fleeting since it relies on external factors and specific outcomes. In contrast, joy is a constant feeling that stems from engaging in activities aligned with our purpose, regardless of the end result. By finding joy in the process itself, we can maintain happiness and experience fulfillment in our lives.

6. Give Your Obstacles Credit: Overcoming Fear

Fear is a natural part of life, but it should not paralyze us. Instead of denying our fears, let’s acknowledge them and recognize their power to drive us toward growth. By giving credit to our obstacles, we find the courage to overcome them or realize they are not worth prevailing over. Be brave, face your fears, and unlock your true potential.

7. Define Success on Your Own Terms

Society often associates success with financial wealth and fame. However, it is important for each individual to define success according to their own values and aspirations. Whether it involves prioritizing family, health, relationships, or personal growth, success should be aligned with what truly matters to us. Nevertheless, choosing a path to success is crucial to uphold our integrity and does not compromise our core values.

8. Turn the Page: Release Regrets and Learn from Mistakes

We all make mistakes and experience moments of regret. However, dwelling on them only burdens us and hinders new opportunities from arising. Just like turning a page in a book, it’s important to let go of past missteps, make amends, and move forward. Embrace the lessons learned and use them to shape a brighter and more enlightened future.

9. The Power of Elimination: Discovering Your True Identity

Discovering our true identity can be a challenging endeavor. Often, the most effective approach is to determine who we are not. We can uncover our genuine identity by eliminating the aspects that do not resonate with our authentic selves. It is crucial to surround ourselves with supportive friends, avoid negative environments, and prioritize activities that bring out our best selves.

10. Make Voluntary Obligations for Personal Growth

While we often have external obligations and responsibilities, making voluntary commitments to ourselves is equally important. These personal obligations should align with our values and contribute to our long-term growth and fulfillment. Whether it involves self-care, continuous learning, or maintaining healthy relationships, it is crucial to prioritize the obligations that nourish our soul.

11. Embrace Delayed Gratification for Lasting Rewards

In our culture that values instant gratification, delayed gratification is often overlooked. However, the choices we make today, which require patience and self-discipline, can ultimately reward us in the long run. By resisting short-term pleasures that may lead to regret or compromise our values, we open ourselves up to a future filled with meaningful rewards.

12. Dissect Success and Cultivate Gratitude

Instead of fixating on our failures, let’s shift our attention to our successes and nurture a sense of gratitude. Analyze your accomplishments and acknowledge what you did right. Take a moment to value the small things that we often overlook. Gratitude attracts more positive experiences into our lives and enables us to develop our strengths further.


Life’s challenges are meant to shape us, not break us. We can approach life with renewed purpose and fulfillment by embracing these challenges and internalizing the wisdom gained from experience. Let us leave behind regrets, eliminate what no longer serves us, acknowledge our obstacles, and find joy in the present moment. Through personal growth and a genuine appreciation for the journey, we can live lives that are truly inspiring. So, let’s confront life’s challenges directly and unlock the incredible potential within each of us.

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Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.