3 Questions I Will Ask My Husband Before Getting Married

The last question is the one everyone should ask

Lavleen Singh
3 min readOct 14, 2023


Getting the right partner to spend the rest of your life has become a crisis in this age.

Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash

Marriages are falling apart faster than the knots are getting tied.

And, in the coming years, the situation will only get worse.

According to me, there are a few things that are responsible for this new pandemic called ‘Struggling Marriages’

Masculinity and Feminisms

We are quickly shifting from unity to masculinity and feminism. With the never ending debates available on social media about who is better than whom we are forgetting that we should be equal.

Low level of Tolerance

We have to understand that Marriages and Relationships are no dreamy land with roses, perfume and all beautiful things but a commitment for a lifetime. The campaign of keeping ourselves first before others even if they are struggling more than us is widespread now. Social media is full of stupid cases where the husband forgets to ask the wife for dinner, where the husband is too agreeable, where the spark has died and blah blah blah! Then, let’s get divorced.

Blame Game

I know you all must agree with me at this point in time. Growing up I have seen so many couples in my family, relatives, in my surroundings and even in the entertainment industry showing how the blame game keeps going on. Couples love to fight than to love.

There are so many more reasons that I can highlight but the whole problem arises when you give importance to yourself before you as a couple.

And, seeing this I have these three questions that I will ask my husband before getting married to him.

1. Financial Mentality

We all have a particular and distinct mindset about money. The majority of decisions, our style of living and our future depend on what we think about money. Finding a partner who has a similar mindset to you in terms of finance is always better than the others. Marriage is a kind of partnership in which two people come together and run a firm called life.

2. His Priority List

This question is something that can tell how aligned your priorities are and how you two are going to manage them. Every person has a different set of priorities. For some, family comes first and for some, their career is the priority. There is no need that you both should have your top ten priorities exactly similar to each other but there should be a conversation regarding how you two are going to work on taking a step further when such conditions arrive in your life.

3. When did he cry last?

This question reveals a lot about men. I think we are slowly coming out of the mindset that men don’t cry. Men do cry and it’s good if they cry. Because crying makes you get rid of that burden on your chest and makes you feel happy and lighter. A man who can tell you when he cried last will be able to connect to you emotionally. And, when that happy honeymoon era ends emotions take charge.

Please, remember that these questions are my personal priorities and yours can be different. But, there should be questions and conversations too.

Thank you so much!

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