3 Stoic Rules For Hard Times

Mohamed Anas
2 min readNov 23, 2023

STOICISM is not just an ancient philosophy, it acts as a guide for this Depressed world. Here are the 3 Stoic rules you need to implement when you are in hard times.

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1. Focus on what you can control.

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” — Marcus Aurelius

The main rule in Stoicism is the idea that we need to focus on the things that we can control and accept what is not.

During hard times, you need to find the aspects of the situation that you can control. Never give your attention to the things that you can’t control.

2. Practice Acceptance

Stoicism tells us to face the situation with a calm mind. Instead of complaining about hard times, accept it and think of this as an opportunity to develop you to become more powerful.

Considering you lost your job, rather stuck in those feelings, stoicism suggests you accept your feelings and focus on finding new opportunities or developing new skills.

3. Impermanence

“Everything is ephemeral, both what remembers and what is remembered.” -Marcus Aurelius.

Stoicism teaches that everything in life is not permanent. The only permanent thing is changes. We need to get ready to face any changes that will happen in our lives. From the small to the large life-altering, we must learn to accept and adapt to those changes.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

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Mohamed Anas

Makes stories about tech, history, books, space, stoicism and leadership📚💻🕵️‍♂️📜🌍