4 Things Creative People Need

Blake Kohan
3 min readOct 3, 2022
notebook, pen, computer keys
Photo Credit: Pixabay//JessBaileyDesign

1. Spend Time With The Right People

Get away from the people who belittle you and make you feel stupid. This goes for everyone (not just creative people), but I wanted to include it here.

Spending time with people who leave you feeling drained, even if it’s family or friends you’ve had ‘forever,’ will not help you.

When stressed, our bodies care less about creative endeavors and focus more on fixing things. We want our creativity to be able to flourish, not be squashed by stress.

2. Time Everyday With Your Craft

If you want to spend 30-minutes writing every day or picking up knitting needles for 10-minutes a day, that adds up over weeks, years, and decades.

I remember hearing a writer say, “If you write one page a day, in a year, you will have a novel.” Amazingly, a little each day can add up to something so grand.

One common thing I read is that it is better to do a little each day rather than a bunch for 2 days and then forget about it for 2 weeks.

When we do creative things, they have their unique energy, and we form a relationship with that thing. And the best relationships thrive on consistent communication and time spent together.

3. Time Off From Social Media/The Internet

It’s amazing how you can be all set to write, sew, cook, or do something creative when you suddenly feel the need to check the Instagram of someone you don’t know or don’t care about.

“I wonder what that old friend I had freshman year is up to,” that voice will say.

“I wonder if there is anything new on Instagram.”

“I’m only looking to be inspired.”

Social media, for the most part, is a waste of time. We can tell ourselves we will check our updates “real quick,” but then it sprawl into a long YouTube short bing.

This is why time blocking is so important.

When we sit down and decide to work on something creative, that should be the only thing we work on. We will get it done faster and better when we do it without stopping every few minutes to look at other things.

4. Finding Ways To Improve

If you are truly passionate about something, then you want to constantly make yourself better.

Here are some simple ways to get better:

  • Read books on the topic
  • Read about people who have succeeded and see what they did (then adapt a version of that to suit your life)
  • Research the topic online (and don’t get distracted by checking social media while you are online)
  • Practice, practice, practice

The more we work on something creative, the better we will become. Whether drawing, pottery, writing, film, or anything creative, you increase your abilities with practice.

This post was all about the 4 things that creative people need!

What things help you become the best creator you can be?


C.R. Blake



Blake Kohan

Social Media Manager, Digital Media Boutique Owner, & Freelancer. I love self-improvement and reading <3