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5 Habits That Can Help You Save A Lot Of Time

Okaneme Joseph
5 min readJan 24, 2023


One of the things bothering people at large, especially at workplaces, schools, and industries, is always similar to this “ There is hardly enough time to cover schedule and appointments, school work and assignments, and other activities”. People always feel choked up on time. “Time seems to be flying faster these days”, Comments like this are what you get all the time from people at their workplaces, students, and professionals from different occupations. Everyone seems to think that ‘There is no Time’, However, How true is that?? A quick survey of these same set of people would prove that they spend at least 20% of their time doing almost NOTHING!!! Yes, People waste time doing nothing, and when faced with their schedule, they feel like they have less time.

One of these time wasters is SOCIAL MEDIA; this has by far been the most common and popular time waster that has ever been. People subconsciously pick up their phones and go on social media, either reading newsfeeds, blog posts, or vlogs, most times even without knowing it. It’s like a subconscious action, you might not even realize. And this takes most of our time before we even remember schedules. When you are ready to attend to schedules, you find that there is not enough time. To keep time in check, avoid Social media as hard as possible, especially in the mornings. It’s very wrong to start up your morning with the media, Why? Social Media is such a thing that likes to keep you engaged, so the things that you see are Intriguing, those that keep or should I say draw your attention as such, you don’t even know when Time crawled from 6:45 am To 7:30 am. This is an everyday occurrence that makes a lot of people fall back on their schedule.

MULTI-TASKING is another factor that wastes time. You multi-task when you either feel over-confident, or you are back on your schedule. Either way is not going to help at all to save time. It would instead waste more time(the reverse effect). Take for example someone who woke up at 5:30 am, went on the internet, and wasted time till say 6:53 am. At this point, this person is already behind schedule for wasting about an hour plus, doing nothing relevant. Then you want to brush your teeth while picking out the clothes you want to wear. You are bound to smear it with toothpaste, which would lead you to change it, thereby wasting time, or you have your breakfast while doing other things say you grab a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and stuff cookies in your mouth. You wouldn’t know when you spill coffee on your clothes, which would eventually lead you to waste more time. Either way, you would still waste a lot of time.

Next comes PROCRASTINATION, which they say is the theft of time, is another cause of the so-called ‘lack of time, we keep on posting our schedules to a later date to create time to do things that are not necessarily self-improving. In other words, we create time just to burn it down on worthless things; things that don’t add value to you.

Now let’s go to how we can help you to stay on track and help you save lots of time. By adopting these habits, you save yourself a lot of time

  1. Wake up early: It is easy to keep up with schedules if you are up on your feet an hour or an hour and 30 mins before your schedule starts, let’s say your schedule starts formally at 6:00 am, you being up by 5:00 am, gives you a headstart as you can deal with the lingering sleep in your eyes and make you clear-headed before your schedule officially starts.
  2. Avoid Distractions: Although this may seem hard, it’s the only way to keep yourself on track with your schedule. Distractions may be hard to resist especially when it’s coming from your phone. What to do? Our Phones are now fused with ‘Focus Mode’ This can be set with a timer to it, and you can do away with all the apps that make you distracted for a set period. This way you are sure to be free from distractions and focus on your schedule except you turn it off yourself. However, in this case, if You are not willing to do away with distractions, therefore this article cannot help you.
  3. NEVER MULTI-TASK: People often make this mistake when they fall back on schedule. So the first step should be making sure you are on track with your schedule, this way you wouldn’t have to multitask in the first place. That is if you are willing to stay on track with your schedule, then you should always follow the preceding steps.
  4. SET SCHEDULES YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH: Most times people can’t seem to stay on track with their schedules, simply because only a god can keep up with that schedule. It’s too choking!!! Don’t choke up yourself with tasks that you are sure you can’t accomplish. I know there is the excitement that comes with the New Year. We try to be positive and try to surpass ourselves but please always know your limits. Just because you want to surpass your old self, you now set herculean tasks that you are sure you can’t keep up with. This way you would cause more harm to yourself than good.
  5. Finally, avoid PROCRASTINATING, I have made mentioned this before but it won’t harm to say it again. Do promptly what you have to do and at the right time. Making hay while the sun shines, is not just a statement, it’s advice. I remember a rhyme from elementary school that says ‘ What you have to do, do quick’.

Thanks for reading this😊😊. If this was helpful, follow up for more of my stories. Have a great day ahead👍👍



Okaneme Joseph

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