5 Helpful Tips to Get Your First Digital Product Up & Running

Creating your first digital product doesn’t have to be overwhelming

Elizabeth Gordon


Image courtesy of Mohamed_Hassan on Pixabay

I’ve finally launched my first digital product! YAY!

I already have some sales and I squeal a bit each time I get that fun email from Gumroad.

If you’re hoping to delve into digital products, this story will help you get started while maintaining your sanity.

Read until the end because I give you a checklist to help you with your first product! Hooray!

Tip #1 — Set a deadline

This may seem stupidly simple, but it will bring you massive returns.

Thinking and daydreaming about your amazing digital product will only get you so far — you actually have to create it!

If you don’t set a deadline for yourself and make this a priority, it won’t happen.

I am a perfect example. I enthusiastically started five or six digital products and then ditched them because I lacked a plan and schedule to light a fire under my butt.

You have to set a deadline. Even if you move it, set that deadline!

This establishes self-trust and commitment to your goal.



Elizabeth Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: www.totalwellnesscopywriting.com GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!