5 Mistakes Most Young People Make & Regret Later In Life

5 min readDec 22, 2023

Today, we’re diving deep into the realms of hindsight. Do you ever look back on your youth and wonder, “What if I had done things differently?” Well, join the club! We all make mistakes as young adults, and that’s just part of growing up. But wouldn’t it be fantastic to know which common missteps many young people make and end up regretting later in life? Fear not, because we’ve gathered a handful of them for you right here. So, without further ado, let’s explore the 5 mistakes that most young people often wish they could rewrite.

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1. Trying to Please Everyone

The People Pleaser’s Plight

In my early career, I found myself constantly trying to please every colleague and supervisor. I would adapt my opinions and actions to align with theirs, sacrificing my authentic self. It took a toll on my well-being until I realized that not everyone will appreciate or agree with me. Learning to be true to myself and accepting that not everyone has to like me was a crucial lesson in my personal growth.

Have you ever encountered a classmate, colleague, or teacher who simply couldn’t see eye to eye with you? Did you find yourself expending an inordinate amount of energy trying to be someone you’re not just to gain their approval? Well, you’re not alone. Many young individuals fall into the trap of attempting to befriend every co-worker, classmate, or boss they meet. On the surface, this may seem like a noble endeavor, but where it goes awry is when you start altering your authentic self or suppressing your needs in the pursuit of pleasing everyone.

Lesson Learned: There will always be someone out there who disagrees with you or doesn’t like you. That’s an inevitable part of life. It’s essential to accept this reality and not obsess over it. In the grand scheme of things, these individuals may not hold much significance in your life.

2. Neglecting to Save Money

Spend Now, Regret Later

When I started working, the allure of spending on immediate desires was strong. Saving for the future seemed like a distant concern. However, a wake-up call came when I realized many of my peers had little to no savings for emergencies or retirement. Starting to allocate a fixed portion of my income to savings, as if it never existed in my spending budget, has become a financial habit that brings peace of mind.

Do you find yourself splurging as soon as your paycheck hits your bank account? Or do you have the foresight to allocate a portion of your income to savings for retirement, emergencies, and investments? While it may seem tempting to live for the moment when you’re young, planning ahead financially can be a game-changer in the long run.

According to a recent survey by Bankrate, a staggering 69 out of every 1003 individuals aged 18 to 29 have zero savings for their retirement. It’s wise to start saving early. A good strategy is to treat a fixed amount of your paycheck as untouchable — it goes straight into your savings as if it were never part of your income to begin with.

Lesson Learned: The earlier you start saving, the more financially secure your future will be.

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3. Spending Money to Impress Others

Keeping Up with the Joneses

I used to be caught up in the frenzy of buying the latest gadgets and trends just to fit in. It took a while to recognize that this behavior was draining my finances without adding real value to my life. Now, I prioritize spending on experiences and items that genuinely contribute to my well-being, rather than trying to impress others with material possessions.

How important are the latest trends and gadgets to you? Do you buy them because they genuinely enhance your life, or is it merely to impress your friends? Treating yourself to something nice once in a while is perfectly reasonable, as long as it doesn’t compromise your financial stability.

Lesson Learned: Prioritize spending on things that genuinely matter to you, not just to keep up appearances.

4. Giving Up Too Easily

The Perseverance Predicament

Pursuing my long-term goals sometimes felt like an uphill battle. At times, I faced setbacks and failures that made me question if I was on the right path. However, I learned that giving up only prolongs the journey to success. Embracing failure as a stepping stone and persisting through challenges has ultimately led me closer to my aspirations.

What are your dreams and long-term goals? Achieving them often demands hard work and unwavering dedication. Yet, some young people set lofty goals but abandon them prematurely at the first sign of difficulty or failure.

Lesson Learned: Failure is a part of the journey towards success. Embrace setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Giving up too easily only prolongs your path to achievement.

5. Neglecting Personal Growth and Self-Investment

The Pursuit of Knowledge

There was a phase in my life when I neglected personal growth in the pursuit of immediate pleasures. Once I recognized the value of continuous learning and self-improvement, I dedicated time each day to activities that contribute to my personal and professional development. The small, consistent efforts have indeed transformed my life, emphasizing that investing time in oneself is the most rewarding investment.

Do you allocate time each day for personal growth and self-improvement? Whether it’s pursuing a passion, acquiring new skills, reading enriching books, or learning a new language, dedicating time to self-betterment is a hallmark of successful individuals.

Lesson Learned: Small, consistent efforts add up over time. Spend an hour a day on self-improvement, and watch how it transforms your life. Learning is a lifelong journey, and investing in yourself is the most rewarding investment you can make.

Photo by Daniel Monteiro on Unsplash

In the grand tapestry of life, we all weave our unique stories, filled with triumphs and tribulations. The mistakes we make in our youth are the threads that give our stories depth and wisdom. Remember, you won’t become a master of all trades in a day, but with persistence and dedication, you’ll steadily sharpen your skills and enrich your knowledge.




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