5 Powerful Hindu Concepts I Now Apply to Daily Life

A glimpse of Hindu philosophy of life

Indra Raj Pathak
5 min readJun 13, 2024


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I am Hindu but not an orthodox Hindu. I believe all religions have some noble thoughts to make human life better in the world. They interpret virtue in their ways and styles and sometimes dictate a way of life that suits the people in the contemporary period. But the followers of that religion keep on practicing over time. I can embrace any good practice from any religion if that suits me.

Hinduism is known for its spiritual wisdom and philosophy of worldly life. This is one of the oldest religions. Ancient Hindu scriptures and traditions detail the fundamental aspects of life and life values. Hinduism offers insights that are still relevant in modern times.

Let me share with you five powerful Hindu concepts I now apply to my daily life, need not to mention, each of which has significantly influenced my perspective and actions.

### 1. Dharma

The word “dharma” comes from the Sanskrit root word “dhri,” which means “to hold,” “to maintain,” or “to preserve.” In the early Vedas and other ancient Hindu texts, dharma referred to the cosmic law that created the ordered universe from chaos.

Dharma is a discipline to follow in thought and action. It is the backbone of Hindu philosophy. It guides the moral order and duties that keep the cosmos, society, and individual conduct in order. It holds righteousness, ethical living, and the pursuit of one’s responsibilities according to one’s role in life.

I follow Dharma in my daily routine. It has completely transformed my life. I perform my duties with integrity, whether in my professional life, family responsibilities, or social obligations. If you follow dharma it brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It guides me to act in ways that are ethically justified and socially acceptable. I choose my actions with my inner values and societal expectations. It helps me to experience a harmonious balance and a deeper connection to the world around me.

### 2. Karma

The principle of Hindu karma, the law of cause and effect is strictly based on science. Every event has a purpose, and every result has a particular cause. The law rules our world not chance. Whether we know it or not, everything occurs for a reason.

Hindus believe and practice karma. Karma is action. There can be no action without a result that can be instant or delayed, positive or negative as our definitions, are exactly based on the nature of the work.

While making decisions and interacting with people I apply the principle of karma. Only love breeds love not hatred. Your inspiring words bring back inspiration and support. As I understand the probable consequences of my actions, so I have become more thoughtful and deliberate to choose my actions.

I energetically seek positive outcomes through good deeds, kindness, and ethical behavior. Our karma empowers us to choose our actions aligned with the potential outcome. My negative experiences make me realize to choose actions cautiously.

### 3. Ahimsa

People generally think that Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence only restrains us from causing physical harm to any living being but, it includes any violence through thoughts, words, or actions and also emotional and psychological harm.

The practice of ahimsa has deeply influenced my interactions and preferences in life. I always consciously take care of my thoughts when someone hurts me and I don’t allow violent thoughts to grow against them. Though it is a challenge, not as easy as to say. I stay compassionate with them by realizing the situation that leads them to behave violently.

I am a staunch vegetarian which saves me from harming any animal indirectly.

The practice of ahinsa supports a peaceful and harmonious existence. It boosts my relationships and enables me to lead a compassionate and unbiased life.

### 4. Atman

Atman or atma or life energy refers to the soul that lies in every living being and when it leaves the physical body, being is dead. A soul is believed to be a part of parmatma the supreme universal energy, Brahman. Hinduism considers a soul divine and eternal. It can never die and always exists.

The knowledge of Atman has helped me to understand my true self and the secret of existence. Through introspection and self-awareness, I try to look beyond physical identities and everyday life. Realizing the presence of divine soul within everyone I feel deeply connected with all beings. This spiritual awareness helps me to attain inner peace and confidence to face life’s challenges without complaints.

### 5. Yoga

Yoga focuses on achieving harmony between the mind and body as a spiritual discipline grounded in a subtle science. Yoga comprises physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and ethical principles (yamas and niyamas)The Sanskrit root “Yuj,” which means “to join,” “to yoke,” or “to unite,” is where the term “yoga” originates. Yogic texts state that practising yoga aligns one’s awareness with the universal consciousness. It helps to achieve perfect harmony between the mind and body, between mind and spirit, and between Man and Nature.

I have got remarkable benefits to my physical, mental, and emotional well-being from daily yoga practice. Asanas improve my flexibility and strength. Breathing exercises give me mental and physical relaxation. Meditation strengthens my focus and mental clarity by calming down my mind. Yoga encourages me to maintain a holistic and balanced approach to life.

My daily life has improved considerably by putting these five potent Hindu concepts — dharma, karma, ahimsa, atman, and yoga — into practice.

Dharma guides me to act responsibly and sincerely.

Karma reminds me to be accountable for what I do.

Ahimsa alerts me to have compassion and empathy for all.

Atman awakens my spiritual self and connectedness.

Yoga ensures inner peace and well-being.

I embrace the Hindu philosophy of life to live a balanced, purposeful, and satisfying life. I have made my well-being and personal development better. I have also raised my awareness of self and ties to the world.

These ageless lessons have made me learn the ways to secure a more peaceful, enlightened life.

