5 Proven Methods to Relieve Stress and Enhance Well-Being

Summarizing the five proven methods for stress relief

Rahul Patel
4 min readOct 21, 2023


Image by lookstudio on Freepik

Are you having constant headaches?

Are you feeling tired? Does about you?

Are you feeling constantly irritated and lost that focus?

This indicates that your stress levels are high.

Hi, everyone. Today I’m gonna give you five amazing hats that you can use to distress yourself in just a joy.

In today’s day and age, we live in a constant state of competition where we are stressed about everything we stress about the exams that we have. We stress about the meetings and job interviews we stress when we are running late and we are stuck in traffic. We’re just about the money we stress about the EMIs. We stress about the loans we stress about our and our loved one’s Health. It’s just about every damn thing in the world.

But before we get started, make sure that you follow me because every single follower that you make is going to help me grow more and more value.

So before any further ado, let’s get started.

So the first and the foremost is tap and drop.

You know, whenever you’re stressed out, keep all your work away and start tapping and rubbing certain points of your body. You know, we have a lot of nerve endings in our body, and when we start lobbing them, you know when we tap them, it simply sends a signal to your mind that you need to relax.

It’s also known as the emotional empowerment technique. All you have to do is just start rubbing those nerves, sharp areas of your hand, or just rub your palm, rub your shoulders, start rubbing and tapping your forehead, your temples, and below your eye bone. And one of the best things that truly works with tapping and rubbing is using affirmations. You know affirmations truly help you remember the beautiful aspects of your life.

So next time you are stressed up, just simply start tapping and use the affirmations that I love myself and everything is beautiful and just start seeing yourself feeling so much better in just a snap.

Number two is the ice pack.

You know, stress activates the parasympathetic nervous system in our body, which produces tonnes and tonnes of cortisol, which in turn leads to cell degeneration, which means higher stress, early premature aging, so to avoid wrinkle skin and premature aging, and all the physical illness that it would come up early because of the stress to do is take the ice pack and start applying on the back of your head and your wrist.

It immediately calms your nervous system and settles down your body’s hormones. And trust me, this ice pack can do one in just a moment.

And next is color therapy and visualization.

Do you know certain colors tend to trigger specific parts of your brain, especially the light pink and blue out of the entire palette are associated with stress management, which means whenever you are stressed out, all you gotta do is take that sheet of color paper that is pink or blue and start meditating over it and one of the best way that you can do if you cannot print out immediately?

Just put this color as a laptop bag now and simply meditate over it by plugging into some nice, soothing, calm instrumental music. Make sure that you do not plug into any sad music, but something which will calm you down and put you into a state of tranquility.

The fourth is banana and chamomile.

You know banana contains teen folate and potassium, which in turn produces lots of feel-good hormones. Serotinal tea, like chamomile and lavender, turns on to be one of the best days that can calm you like nothing else.

But make sure that you avoid any caffeine or dairy products because caffeine can make you all the more vigilant since it’s a stimulant and can also irritate your gut, making you feel all the more anxious the first day walk on the grass.

You know, walking on grass has been proven so relaxing and beneficial. I truly love this grounding exercise because it allows me to look at the better side of life and gives me a sense of security.

The last one is evaluated.

You know, whenever you feel something is bothering you or making you an of stress, simply evaluate the causal factor behind it. Why are you feeling the way you’re feeling? What is the best way you can break through it? And are you operating out of your inner fear? Or is it because of the experience?

You know, it’s very important to just go within and ask yourself, what are the best ways that you can deal with it? Instead of just sitting and muddling over that stress.

These are the quick fixes that you can try. Trust me, these have been proven so beneficial to me as a psychologist, I go through the same issues that everyone does, and it’s very natural to feel it over stress at times. This turned out to be more sustainable, so I could figure out the best way and also calm myself instead of just stressing.

You can use these methods, and I hope that this truly helped you. If you have any specific methods that you have been working on to deal with stress, please make sure to put it in the comments section. I would love to know also let me know what is your best method out of all of those that I’ve shared in the comment section.

Now I hope that you truly loved it.

Make sure that you Clap and Follow me and stay tuned because I’m coming back soon.



Rahul Patel

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