5 Psychological Tips To Read People.

Mohamed Anas
2 min readNov 13, 2023

Understanding People’s Thoughts and Emotions

Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

We always wanted to know what others think inside their mind. What if we could understand human minds? Here are five common psychological tips to understand what other people think in their minds.

1. Smile

Have you ever thought about the people laughing in front of you are really laughing or just faking their smiles and trying to cover some lies behind their smiles?

If yes, there is a small trick to identify if their smile is authentic or not. Just note the corner of their eyes; ifit shrinks while laughing, then they are really laughing. If not, then they are hiding something from you.

2. Eye Brows

Normally we don’t often use eyebrows. We only use them to show certain emotions. If you notice someone raising their eyebrows while you are speaking to them, it means that they are not comfortable speaking with you or the topic you are speaking about might make them uncomfortable.

3. Listen to their tone.

While you proposing your ideas or your thoughts to someone. Make sure to listen to their tone. If their tone changes while you are speaking, then there is no problem.

However, if they maintain the same tone every time you speak, it means either they may not interested in your ideas or they don’t like your ideas.

4. Crossed Legs

While speaking to some, notice their sitting posture, if they sit with crossed legs and tie their hands. It indicates that they are not interested in listening to you.

Even though they look like sits comfortable, researchers say that they are emotionally blocking your words into their minds.

5. Direction of Feet

In a conversation note the feet of the person you are talking to. If their feet are faces in front of you, then they like you, and they listen to your words. If their feet face the exit door, then they don’t have the interest to speak to you and they want to leave.

If you are still reading. Make sure to check my other stories and don’t forget to clap.

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

— Peter Drucker



Mohamed Anas

Makes stories about tech, history, books, space, stoicism and leadership📚💻🕵️‍♂️📜🌍