5 YouTube Creators You Should Follow To Learn More About Health & Fitness (And Build A Better Body)

You won’t find quality content on Health & Fitness anywhere else

Ayush Jha
4 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by ÇAĞIN KARGI on Unsplash

You need to learn more about health and fitness.

Because most people nowadays have no knowledge about this subject and that’s exactly why they live an unhealthy life. They suffer from multiple diseases over their lifetime and some of them die early because of poor health. To make sure you’re not one of them, you need to study and learn how to take care of your health. And if your goal is to build muscle then it becomes even more important.

I have been working out for almost 6 years. In that timeframe, I’ve watched thousands of videos from hundreds of creators, here are 5 of them that have helped me the most and will help you in reaching your fitness goals.

Jeff Nippard

Jeff is all about offering science and evidence-based training & nutrition advice.

He is a natural pro bodybuilder and internationally qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry. The best thing about Jeff’s content is that he never throws theories here and there. Each one of his videos is packed with tons of information backed by scientific research and his own insights from 15 years of training. While most other creators just scratch the surface, Jeff goes deep into every topic and explains everything in detail so that you don’t get confused.

If you’re interested in building strength and muscle then you should definitely subscribe to his Youtube channel.

Sean Nalewanyj

Another guy that creates evidence-based content instead of fluff content.

Sean has been working out for 2 decades. And unarguably, he has one of the best natural physiques out there. The best thing about Sean’s content is that he covers the topic viewers want to know more about. Unlike many other fitness influencers, Sean believes in keeping things simple and addressing the issues most beginners struggle with. Just like his about section states, it’s fair to say that he offers a no-B.S. guide to muscle building and fat loss.

His videos are easy to consume and understand and more importantly, easy to apply in real life.


The most controversial creator in this list, Greg O’gallagher maintains a different and unique approach to training.

Although he doesn’t offer any science-based guides, I find his content very helpful. He preaches working out for no more than 3 days a week. Unlike other creators, he says that volume doesn’t matter as long you train with enough intensity and increase your strength. For nutrition, he says that eating the same thing every day helps you stay lean as you have your daily calories dialed in. His content is centered around building a physique like a movie star.

His methods worked for me and many others, I highly recommend checking him out if you want to build a lean body.

Jeremy Ethier

Just like Jeff, Jeremy offers top-notch evidence-based training and nutrition guides.

With over 5 million subscribers, Jeremy has established himself as an authority in the fitness industry. The best part about his content is everyone from beginner to advanced lifters can benefit from it. Whether it’s about teaching you how correctly perform an exercise, how to prevent injury, or how to eat to get lean, Jeremy has you covered. Most people have issues losing weight and that’s why Jeremy has multiple detailed videos to help you shred that fat.

If you want to learn something new about fitness regularly, then subscribing to Jeremy’s channel is a no-brainer.


If you like to learn fitness concepts with a touch of humor, then Omar is your guy.

His content is magnetic. It makes you laugh while helping you learn more about the fitness industry and training. His content is tilted a little (not a lot) towards powerlifters but he does talk about muscle building and casual lifting, Recently, he made a video about the psychological effects of bodybuilding and how taking things seriously can backfire. All said and done, Omar’s content definitely stands out as it’s authentic, original, and about real problems.

Once you’ve learned the basics of fitness, Omar’s channel will definitely help you go a step further in your journey.

Closing Thoughts

Depending on where you are in your journey and your training preferences, some of these channels may or may not help you.

After researching a lot, I’ve found these channels are the most authentic when it comes to offering advice and guides. Most other influencers either try to misguide you (lying about not using steroids) or just want to slap you with content promoting their products. And most Instagram influencers offer B.S. guides that don’t work for natural lifters.

Ultimately, it all comes down to what works for you, feel free to research and make your decision.

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Ayush Jha

The Digital Writer | I write about health and personal development - jhaayush.substack.com | Contact for writing gigs - Ayushjha1605@gmail.com