7 Quick and Easy Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood

Here’s how to do it…

Erin M.


A beautiful young black woman smiling and being grateful for the flower in her hand.
Image by Ron Lach on Pexels

On any given day, there are a million and ten things that can bring down your mood.

The stress from work, family, and outside responsibilities can be extremely overwhelming.

Most of us are working so hard and struggling to keep it together on a daily basis.

We do so much for others and are constantly filling up the cup of others so much that we forget about ourselves.

This often leads to burnout, frustration, resentment, and ultimately depression.

On top of everything else, most of us are pressed for time.

So here are some very simple, practical, quick, and easy things you can do to boost your mood instantly.

1. Write down 10 things you are grateful for. Doing this instantly shifts your focus. You immediately go from thinking about everything wrong to realizing how blessed you are.

2. Watch a funny TV show or movie. This one is especially near and dear to my heart and works like a charm. I was watching one of my favorite shows from childhood earlier and I laughed so hard. It felt so good and instantly transformed my mood.



Erin M.

I specialize in spiritual and self-help content. I am also a blogger @https://impartedwisdom.com. Email: elmix39@ gmail.com/Support Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/erinm8557