7 Secrets High-Performers Whispered to Me (Prepare to Ditch Your Hustle Culture)

The Sound of Potential

Ruwithma Peiris
6 min readJan 31, 2024


Do you ever feel like you’re just skimming the surface of what you’re truly capable of? As if there’s some locked away potential inside you, if only you could find the key?

I remember having this feeling constantly when I first started university. So much possibility stretched out before me, yet I struggled to break through into anything resembling high performance. My hustle felt fruitless.

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What was the secret to unlocking my potential? How could I break through into being a high performer who accomplished all that my heart desired? I became obsessed with this question.

Image: Someone looking at their reflection in a mirror, brow slightly furrowed as if questioning who they see.

In my quest, I started interviewing professors and other high achievers, seeking the keys that ignited their drive and performance. Along the way, whispers of insight opened my eyes. Could what worked for them also work for me?

I’d like to share with you 7 of those secrets that completely changed how I think about high performance. They revealed to me an entirely different way to show up in life, one where my deepest potential flows freely instead of fighting against friction. One built on abundance rather than lack. Are you ready? Here we go.

Secret #1: Value Yourself

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The first secret I stumbled upon shocked me in its simplicity. Yet it took me time to truly grasp it, as I suspect it does for most hustlers.

I was at a university social gathering when I got into a conversation with a professor who taught classes on social sciences. As we discussed motivation and fulfillment, he paused.

“Do you value yourself and what you contribute?” he asked plainly.

I fumbled over my words, not expecting such a direct personal question. His gaze was steady. Finally I replied, “I’m not sure…I think so?”

He smiled knowingly and said simply,

“Start there.”

Secret #2: Work With Passion

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The second secret came from a classmate who always seemed to throw themself fully into their assignments. While others viewed the work as burdensome, they tackled it with gusto.

I asked them one day,

“Why do you work so passionately when we’ve been given what seems like boring busywork?”

They replied, “Because if I can find the passion here in mundane work, just imagine what I’ll create when my heart is truly fired up.”

Their mindset stunned me. They didn’t just do the work, they uncovered the underlying passion and purpose so that energy flowed through even routine tasks.

Secret #3: Progress Not Perfection

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My advisor introduced me to the third secret when I despaired over grasping complex new concepts quickly enough to excel on exams. I worried constantly about reaching perfection.

She suggested I shift my focus.

“Worry less about doing perfect work now. Instead track your progress. Small steps still move you forward.”

As I reframed toward progress, my worry eased and I found myself more present in each learning opportunity. Over time, skills I thought would evade me forever became second nature.

Secret #4: Rest and Recovery

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I met Dave at the campus gym where he worked as a personal trainer. Ripped and energetic, he lived up to the job title. Between sets one day we chatted about self care.

I asked him,

“With all you manage to accomplish fitness-wise, when do you find time to rest?”

His response: “Resting is how I accomplish. By fully recharging, I gain far more capacity to push myself when I work out. Burnout benefits no one.”

As an aspiring hustler, this permission to dedicate time for real rest changed my approach. The hustle culture shout of “Go go go!” often drowned out my actual needs. No longer.

Secret #5: Compare Only to Your Past Self

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I signed up for an elective class on public speaking, determined to improve my skills. The professor stressed constructive feedback, often asking us to critique recordings of our own past speeches versus harping on what peers did better.

When I commented that comparing myself to others motivated me, she replied,

“Howso? Comparing yourself to who you used to be and analyzing your growth drives meaningful change.”

I adopted her suggested habit of only comparing myself to my own past performance. Suddenly my focus zeroed in on incremental progress rather than what anyone else achieved.

Secret #6: Collaborate Freely

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Studying literature exposed me to famous writers and poets. So many seemed to lead tortured solitary lives. Was that the sacrifice required for great art?

Visiting a local writing group changed my assumption. Surrounded by people actively helping each other thrive, the leader explained:

“We pour energy into one another so that when we create, our wells run deep.”

I took this collaborative community concept back to school. Seeking feedback, brainstorming together, elevating others…this generated compounding returns unlike anything from solo hustling.

Secret #7: Practice Daily Gratitude

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

In my last semester, I attended a guest lecture on the psychology of happiness. The researcher described characteristics shared by many of the happiest people.

One surprised me — a daily gratitude practice. Thankfulness floated too far into “soft skills” in my hustler mindset. How could that impact high performance?

Yet as I built the habit into my mornings, I realized thankfulness fuels motivation and creativity. Difficulties no longer loomed as large when viewed alongside blessings.

This simple routine connected me to purpose in a way hustling never did. Progress flowed through me rather than me struggling to produce it.

Those seven secrets completely changed how I approach developing my potential. No longer fixated on solo hustling, instead I nurture collaborativeabundance. Progress gets measured through self-compassion, not punishment. Passion rises to the surface when purpose gets uncovered.

Most importantly, I finally gave myself full permission to rest when needed. Recharging saves me from burnout.

I still have much growth ahead, but for the first time I feel the click of unlocking my true high performance. What I once expected to always elude me has become tangible daily empowerment.

What about you? What whispers have you heard from high achievers? What secrets have changed your path? I’d love to hear. This is just the start of the conversation.



Ruwithma Peiris

Aspiring writer navigating young adulthood and the twists or early career life. Passionate about connecting a wider audiences to stories that matter .