7 Signs You Are Stuck In The Matrix

7 Signs You’re Trapped in the Matrix

5 min readJul 19, 2023


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The ‘MATRIX’ is a term we’ve all heard from a particular bald man who drives a Bugatti. For others, it’s become a casual word we use to describe our daily lives, but the reality is completely different and may be extremely consuming and detrimental. It may harm our health and happiness, as well as have a detrimental influence on our family.

I’m curious if you consider yourself to be in the Rat Race. In this article, I will show you the probable characteristics that you are in the Matrix.

1. You’re Exhausted

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A lack of energy can be an early warning sign for many different issues. For instance, irregular sleep patterns as a result of stress, extended days, ingesting an excessive amount of coffee, etc. Or it might be because you aren’t taking very good care of yourself. Do you spend your time at home doing nothing but watching television or are you actively engaged in some other activity? Even depression might manifest itself in the form of exhaustion. This has the potential to affect each of us.

2. Your Work-Life Balance Is Terrible

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Do you put in a lot of overtime at work so that you can provide for your family? Do you use the opportunity to spend time with your kids during the half-term break? Or, even if you do have one, how often do you check it and do you take calls from your coworkers? Are you able to shut off when you are with your family, and when you are with them, are you able to spend time with them?

3. Your Relationships Are Suffering

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Whether it be with your friends or members of your family, the people you care about may not be experiencing very much love at all. Are you prone to anger, irritability, and a lack of concern for others? Do you ever feel like you’re working a second job — maybe as a taxi driver?

Do you find that you never have the time or energy to engage in spontaneous behaviour with your significant other? It is not something that any of us should be proud of, but because work has taken up so much of our time and energy, it is often tempting to cease putting as much effort into our personal relationships. It is imperative that we strive towards a goal rather than simply for the sake of labouring.

4. You Gain/Lose Significant Amounts Of Weight

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It’s easy to get into the habit of eating poorly, especially if you don’t have the time to cook or money to buy foods that are freshly prepared. The effects of poor nutrition and stress on everyone of us are unique. It’s possible that a person’s happiness may be deduced from their weight, which can manifest in a variety of ways, including losing weight, losing appetite, comfort eating, and nibbling all day long. We are all susceptible to doing this.

5. You Keep Saying “That’s Just The Way It Is”

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You have very much reconciled yourself to the idea that you will always be feeling stressed out, defeated, and on sometimes like a failure. Why do we think there is no possibility of anything changing? Don’t lose your cool, okay? If you identify with any of these statements, there is a way out of this situation. Never let it be said that it is too late. First, give yourself a moment to take a few slow, deep breaths, and then start compiling a list of the things you want to alter. It is an excellent point from which to launch one’s investigation.

6. You Think About The Past, A Lot

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We may shield ourselves from what we believe is going to happen in the future by avoiding thoughts about the future. If you are anxious about the future or don’t want to think about it in a positive way, you may be trapped in a rut, and you will need to address your condition in order to get out of it.

7. You Lack The Sense Of Purpose

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No purpose + no goals = a deadly snowball effect.

You will find yourself in a downward spiral into a world where you accomplish nothing on a daily basis if you do not establish objectives and make an effort to attain them, regardless of how little those goals may be. You will feel as though you are making no progress and will be stuck in that rut! And it’s an awful sensation to be in that situation. Find a goal that is simple to accomplish, and you will quickly start making progress while also experiencing a significant increase in your sense of agency.

What You Should Do Next

The purpose of presenting you with these seven warning flags is not to cause you undue concern or anxiety. It is time for you to make a change and take charge of your circumstances if this sounds like you, and if thoughts of this nature constantly weigh on your mind, it is time for you to take action.

If you are in need of assistance, start with the simple advice that has been provided above. If you have been in this situation before and have successfully navigated it, share with others in the comments how you were able to escape the rat race.

Thanks for reading this article. Be sure to follow me on social media to watch my journey!

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Content Creator & Entrepreneur | CEO of NXT LVL Studios & Ace Digital | Co-founder of Raze AI & CreatorKits