93-year-old Buffett tells contemporary young people: Incompetent men only like to do two things.

It is recommended that you stay away from them.

5 min readAug 2, 2024


There is a saying that if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go in a team.

So if you want to achieve something big, you must have a team and work together.

Travel companions are important. Choosing the right talents can create brilliance together.

Just like “Stock Gods” Buffett and Charlie Munger, were golden partners in the investment world. After more than 40 years of cooperation, they still have mutual respect and admiration for each other.

Buffett once commented on Munger: “If I didn’t know him, I would be much poorer than I am now. He quickly evolved me from an orangutan to a human.”

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

“Stock God” Buffett once told his children:

“A confidant in life can not only give you guidance at critical moments, but also cheer for you when you are proud, pat you on the shoulder when you are frustrated, and share your worries with you.”

Buffett has always adhered to the principle of staying away from incompetent people. In his opinion, the more incompetent a person is, the more he likes to do these two things, so it’s better to stay away!

01. Enjoy timely enjoyment.

People who enjoy timely enjoyment usually do not plan their future. They only care about the happiness of the present.

When I have some money, I go shopping and enter high-end places. Within a few days, all the money is spent.

Contrary to this kind of person, Buffett is a frugal person who is good at saving money to prepare for the future. He has already earned 1 million US dollars under the age of 30, but he has not squandered it. He cherishes time and capital exceptionally.

Say no to waiters’ sales pitches; use coupons; live in a house without walls.

Some people think this is too stingy, right?

This is not the case. Only by having this concept of being frugal at all times can you accumulate wealth.

On the other hand, people who enjoy timely enjoyment will not make development plans for the future at all but only pursue the happiness in front of them. Once there are twists and turns in life, it will be very difficult for these people to survive because they have not made any reserves for life.

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02. People who talk nonsense and complain and talk nonsense are not reliable at all and cannot see the current reality. You cannot expect them to help you with anything. After he casually agrees, he doesn’t care.

“A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the dripping blood.” Only a coward will complain and seek comfort in words.

Really powerful people — they are ruthless and don’t talk much. They only find ways to succeed and don’t find reasons for failure, so it’s better to stop complaining.

Have the courage to face the problems in life. When you change your mentality, you will naturally usher in a different life.

We must learn to identify those incompetent people around us and stay away from them. The circle will naturally get better and better. Similarly, we can also avoid becoming incompetent people and allow ourselves to integrate into a better circle.

Photo by Bethany Laird on Unsplash

Buffett’s wealth in life

Buffett is now 93 years old. Along the way, he has experienced the most glorious times and also fallen into the trough of life, but for Buffett, these are all valuable life assets.

It has to be said that Buffett is not only a successful investor, but also a wise thinker. Learning from his wisdom can help us answer our questions and illuminate our way forward like a guiding light.

If you want to know more about Buffett’s life wisdom, you might as well read Buffett-related books. Reading books by famous people can make you suddenly enlightened and accumulate a lot of experience. Recently, this set of Buffett books I read is very good. By reading this set of books, you can learn a lot of investment knowledge, and this set of books has also become a pillow book for many business leaders.

If you are a recent graduate, I recommend you to read this set of books, which can help you learn financial management knowledge and find the right direction in life;

If you are a middle-aged person who has encountered setbacks in your career, I recommend you to read this set of books, which can help you find solutions to your problems and take your career to the next level;

If you are ambitious, want to make a lot of money, and want to gain something in the investment field, I recommend you read this set of books, which will be of great help to you!

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