A Look At The Art Of Storytelling

An Author’s Insight Into Storytelling

Cam Roze
11 min readJan 28, 2024


When I write simple titles like this, you know we are doing a deep dive. So strap on your shoes, we are going to hike this mountain we call storytelling. The reason I keep writing tips about fiction, non-fiction, and worldbuilding; and many other aspects, is that I want to share my learned experiences and things I would have found useful as a beginner in the craft. However, no writer is perfect, so you are free to take the advice here or leave it. Remember, as a writer, sometimes it is ideal to use discernment. So, let’s begin:

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Storytelling As A Definitive Object

We have been known in humanity to write and exchange or even record stories of fact. It simply is a part of human nature to wish to preserve knowledge or entertainment. So, what does storytelling mean by definition?

Storytelling — noun: The Activity of telling or writing stories.

Storytelling — adjective: Relating to the telling or writing of stories.

With both of these definitions complimenting each other so well, we may just want to define what a story exactly is.

