A Personal Journey to overcome addiction!

I have explained my personal journey of overcoming distractions in this story.

Muhammad Saad
2 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by CardMapr.nl on Unsplash

A month ago, I was trapped in the net of addictions. It felt like there was no way to escape this trap. I was suffocating, crying hopelessly, looking for ways to beat my inner desires.

When we are addicted to any activity, we want to do it all the time, whether it is the use of social media or reading a book. But the thing is, is it really harmful? The answer is yes, it is harmful. Excessiveness in everything is bad.

Every activity should be limited to a certain amount of time. If you give more time to one act and ignore the other, then its long-term effects will be terrible and it's possible that you can regret it later.

  • Firstly, when I tried to remove my addiction, I felt like giving up. I felt as if I would die if I didn't do this act. But it was the trap of my habituation phenomena. In the beginning, after some days the urge was at its peak but suddenly with the passage of time I started feeling like a huge decrease in my desires towards addictions. It was the time when I would decide if it's victory or defeat. I took the craggy path and succeeded.

In the beginning, I suggest you all control yourselves when the urge to your useless desires is high. Try to watch motivational videos and stay a million miles away from that habit.

  • Secondly, I started doing physical exercise. When I feel like I am giving up on my control, I go to the rooftop of my house to lift some dumbbells. It reduces my energy to some extent, and my thoughts are also distracted. Physical exercise also helps you to be more hopeful and fight against your thoughts in difficult situations.
  • Lastly, I use distraction to kill distraction. If I want to watch YouTube shorts, I try to read books. I like book so while reading you forget about watching YouTube videos.

It was my journey to beat the distractions. You may try these methods for yourself also. I hope it will work. Let me know your experience after trying it.



Muhammad Saad

I don't know how to enclose 19 chapters of my life into a short bio, but I do know that I love to write, and I hope so, you love to read.