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Let’s welcome AI? Midjourney.

A Positive Perspective on AI

Something bright, for a change?

6 min readSep 17, 2023


Fearmongering is — as we have all seen in the past couple of years — a beloved tactic to scare people into reading your damn article and create traffic. But not everything about the next big offending subject needs to be dark and gloomy.

Enter AI.

Yes AI poses many risks and Elon Musk and cohorts are rightly warning of the dangers of unchecked AI development.


Personally i see more danger in a biased AI than in a rogue AI (the Terminator scenario). The bias that has been programmed right into its algorithms, based on the views of the folks in silicon valley (or whichever megacorp ordered/created the AI). And, regardless on where you stand politically (a concept that’s stupid in itself, by the way), we all should long for a neutral AI, that’s fact-based and eliminates emotional bias from the data it provides.

Did you know? You can already have that with ChatGPT 4.0? You can provide a link to an article (you will need to use plugins to do that) to ChatGPT and then ask it to remove all the political or ideological (no matter which) from it. Ah. Cold, heartless facts. Thanks AI-buddy!

*virtual high five*




Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.