A Secret Plot From 10 Downing Street

Kazi Mahmood
9 min readFeb 3, 2021


The UK might need Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to become another superpower in a globalized world that is tearing itself apart!

The UK flag dominated the skies in more than 82 countries in the last century — Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Now that Britain is a free country without the shackles of the European Union tying it down, we are uncovering an alarming but not so secret plot from the radicals at 10 Downing Street.

And by the look of it, we believe this plot will transform the United Kingdom in a way that many do not think is possible. That is the revival of the old British envy and greed to dominate the world!

The radicals are the executives who run the country, and they operate from 10 Downing Street. From there, they have control of Westminster and the government.

Reports suggest the radicals in power are plotting for the return of a powerful executive where Westminster will be the “elective dictatorship.”

If the people elect their MPs, but they do not have full powers to decide on the future of the country, this means the non-executive powers are muzzling democracy. It is not acceptable, for the reformers in the UK who brought Brexit to the world, that elected MPs are too weak to respond and the government too slow to act.

