A Shield in the Storm


Umaima Irfan
2 min readAug 30, 2024


Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

In the midst of the tempest,
when the sky tears open with fury,
and the world trembles beneath the weight of the rain,
I stand, arms wide like an oak,
rooted deep in the earth of your trust.

You are not alone in the howling dark,
not forsaken to the chaos that rages,
for I am the shelter that bends but does not break,
the calm center in your hurricane heart.

When the winds scream like lost souls,
and the lightning carves scars into the night,
I will hold this space for you,
a shield, a fortress, a sanctuary.

Let the storm batter and bruise,
let it hurl its worst with reckless abandon —
for I am unmoved, a steadfast guardian,
weathering every blow for you,
until the dawn rises, soft and golden,
and the storm becomes nothing more
than a memory, fading into the blue.

”A Shield in the Storm” portrays the steadfast presence of someone who provides unwavering support during turbulent times. It describes how the speaker acts as a protective shield against life’s emotional storms, offering a safe haven and strength amidst chaos. Despite the raging tempest, the speaker remains a constant, reliable guardian, ensuring that the person they support feels secure until calm returns.

