
Achieving Ambitious Dreams: The Power of Marginal Adjustments

Discover the power of making small, incremental adjustments to your routines and decision-making processes to achieve your most ambitious dreams and goals.

Tyler Lubben BBA
4 min readMar 10, 2024


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


Many of us have ambitious dreams and goals that we aspire to achieve. Whether it’s becoming a world-class artist, excelling in sports, or improving our personal lives, the path to success may seem daunting. But what if I told you that the key to achieving these dreams lies in making small, incremental adjustments to our routines and decision-making processes? In this article, we will explore the concept of marginal adjustments and how they can propel us towards our most ambitious aspirations.

Replicating Brad Pitt or a Gray Square

Imagine if I challenged you to replicate a detailed image of Brad Pitt using only a pencil and a piece of paper. How many of you would believe you could do it? Surprisingly, the process is simpler than it seems. By breaking down the image into smaller, manageable tasks, such as drawing one gray square at a time, we can gradually recreate the entire image with consistency and precision.

The Case of Chuck Close

To further illustrate the power of marginal adjustments, let’s examine the renowned artist Chuck Close. Close has achieved tremendous success by employing a similar technique. He breaks down complex artworks into simple, repetitive processes, which has made him one of the highest-earning artists globally. This demonstrates that success is not solely determined by possessing a magical skill or talent. It is instead influenced by our approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

Photo by Ariv Gupta on Unsplash

Novak Djokovic’s Journey

To emphasize the importance of decision-making, let’s turn our attention to Novak Djokovic, the world-famous tennis player. When Djokovic initially joined the professional tennis circuit, he held the 680th position in the world rankings. However, through continuous improvement in his decision success rate, which translates to winning a higher percentage of points in a match, he ascended to the top spot, becoming the number one ranked player with an impressive 90% win rate. Djokovic’s remarkable accomplishments serve as a testament to the significance of consistently making the right decisions.

Photo by Alayna Tam on Unsplash

The Significance of Marginal Improvements

Even the smallest improvements in our decision-making process can yield significant results over time. Djokovic’s journey clearly demonstrates this. By gradually increasing his decision success rate from 49% to 55%, he propelled himself to the pinnacle of his sport. The key takeaway is that we all have the ability to make small adjustments in our lives to increase our chances of achieving remarkable outcomes.

Applying Marginal Adjustments in Daily Life

Applying marginal adjustments is not limited to academics or professional pursuits; it can also profoundly impact our personal lives. Take health and wellness goals, for example. Instead of resorting to extreme measures, we can make small changes to our daily routines that gradually add up over time. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to physical activity or committing to healthier eating habits, these marginal adjustments can ultimately lead to sustainable and transformative results.

Embracing the Power of Marginal Adjustments

The stories shared here illustrate that anyone can achieve remarkable results by making small adjustments in their routine and decision-making process. By breaking down ambitious goals into smaller, achievable tasks, we can steadily progress towards success. Remember, it’s not just about the end goal but also the small decisions we make along the way that shape our journey.


In conclusion, the concept of making marginal adjustments is a powerful tool for achieving our most ambitious dreams. Whether it’s becoming a world-class artist, excelling in sports, or making personal transformations, the key lies in making small, consistent improvements. By breaking down big goals into manageable tasks and focusing on each decision, we can change our approach to problem-solving and propel ourselves toward success. So, take the first step today and start making those marginal adjustments that will lead you to extraordinary outcomes.

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Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.