Across party lines: How I saw Democracy in action in my home

What I learned about Politics and Partnership at My Family Table



As the long-drawn Indian elections finally begin to fade, I reflect on a personal narrative that quietly unfolded in the backdrop of this national spectacle. Over the last two arduous months of the dance of the world’s largest democracy and in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave — political campaigns and discussions not only dominated our social media feeds, WhatsApp conversations, but also were very much buzzing in the walls of our homes.

Old couple discussing politics amid the backdrop of a an Indian election coverage created by DALL-E

In many households, political leanings tend to mirror each other among family members, particularly spouses. Yet, my parents’ home tells a different story — My parents, both in their seventies, share a keen interest in politics, albeit from diametrically opposite spectrums. Growing up, I can recall how a lot of our family debates could easily have turned into explosive arguments, with one parent defending the legacy of 70 years and the other championing the narrative of a New India.

In a deeply patriarchal society like India, women’s political opinions are often viewed as secondary. Women too tend to express less to avoid unnecessary arguments at home. My mother’s voice however has been a firm exception. From my earliest memories, political discourse was as much her arena as it was my father’s, despite their opposing views. Even now, as age has started to catch up with my father and he leans on my mother for various supports, their political debates remain a lively staple in our household.

On election day, a poignant scene unfolded: my father, struggling to locate his party’s symbol on the ballot, sought help from my mother. The election officials were gracious enough to allow her to assist him. She in-turn ensured that his vote was cast for the political pary of his choice despite her personal reservations. This act though small serves as a significant testament to their mutual respect and love.

Growing up in such an environment has taught me the true essence of ‘agreeing to disagree’. Never once did I hear my father dismiss my mother’s opinions as inferior. Their debates were always about the merit of the argument, not about proving one’s superiority.

This simple yet quite profound dynamic between my parents is a lesson I cherish. In a time when political differences have become so bitter that it can tear families apart, they’ve demonstrated that it’s possible to maintain both love and respect amidst disagreement. The mutual trust they share far outweighs any disagreements they may have. As I grow older, I aspire to uphold these values in my own relationship.

Do you have similar stories of respectful disagreements? Please share in the comments below.




Avid Reader. Reluctant writer. On a journey to craft captivating stories that evoke the warmth of a cozy tea session.