AI is Helping Me Write My Instagram Posts and Why You Should Too

AI doesn’t need to be your enemy when creating content

Ashley Tavares


It looks like everyone is against AI being used to create content and I agree with it up to a certain extent. I was watching a YouTube video where Gary Vee was saying “AI is here to stay” and we either need to adapt to incorporate it into our daily lives or we’ll be left behind.

I think AI became an excuse for those who had no creativity or ability to develop topics to seek asylum on the internet and have the work done for them fully. This I agree is not the best to do and won’t make you stand out at all, only to further hinder you from actually developing your skills.

Those of us who use AI to help us in our creative process not for it to steal our voice but to help outline our thoughts more concisely I think we’re on to something. Chat GPT and other AI tools are amazing and can get you unstuck when you just can't seem to be able to organize your thoughts.

1. Using AI to help outline my content

I find myself oftentimes with so many things to say but I start writing it and it looks like a rambling word vomit on virtual paper. Chat GPT helps me to structure my posts in a way that will be helpful for user reading and for…



Ashley Tavares

World traveler and content creator. Writing about solopreneur endeavors, traveling and digital nomad lifestyle, and how to boost your online presence!