AI Magic: A Beginner’s Tale

Navigate the mystical divide between Traditional and Generative AI.

Shireen Low
3 min readMar 4, 2024


Image credit to Canva Pro

AI has been buzzing in everyone’s ears since day one, painting futures filled with intelligent tech. Yet, it’s not a solo act. We’ve got two headliners in the show:

  1. Traditional AI 🤖
  2. Generative AI 🎨

Time to shine a light on them!

AI Basics

AI is the magic that powers machines to think, learn, and make decisions. Understanding the difference between Traditional AI and Generative AI is like learning the first steps in a wizard’s journey. It’s crucial because it helps us see how technology can be both a wise guide and a creative companion.

Traditional AI

Traditional AI is the wise old wizard of our story. It’s very good at specific tasks, like solving puzzles or answering questions, because it follows rules and learns from clear, organized information.

➡️ Key Characteristics:

  • Excels in tasks with clear rules (like playing chess).
  • Works best with well-organized data.

➡️ Examples in Everyday Life:

  • That smart buddy who reminds you of stuff.
  • Video games that get your moves and level up the challenge.

Generative AI

Generative AI is the imaginative sorcerer, creating new things from thin air. It can write stories, compose music, or paint pictures, all by learning from a mix of structured and unstructured information.

➡️ Distinct Features:

  • Crafts new content, be it text, images, or videos.
  • Learns from any data, neat or messy.

➡️ Real-World Magic:

  • An app that draws pictures from descriptions.
  • Software that writes music for your lyrics.

The Spellbinding Differences

Let’s put our magical findings side by side:

AI vs Generative AI
Image by Author

Why Care?

The magic of both AIs shapes our world, changing how we live, work, and play. Getting the lowdown helps us dream up what’s next and get ready for tomorrow’s adventures.

Start Your Quest

Wanna dive deeper into AI magic? Here’s how:

  • Stay Curious
    ➡️ Let your imagination guide you.
  • Learn More
    ➡️ Check out websites, online courses, and books about AI, or follow me and subscribe for updates.
  • Experiment
    ➡️ Try using AI in creative projects.

The Journey Continues

As we close this chapter of our adventure, remember, that the world of AI is vast and full of wonders waiting to be discovered. By learning about Traditional AI and Generative AI, you’re taking the first step on an epic quest.

Share Your Story

Do you have any AI tales or tricks up your sleeve? Share ’em and let’s spread the magic. Together, we can unlock the mysteries of AI and create some magic of our own.

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Thanks so much for reading and I hope you find it useful!

Catch you later on this magical journey through AI!
~ Your buddy on this enchanting AI adventure.



Shireen Low

Positivity advocate | AI enthusiast | I help startups grow with affordable and efficient AI solutions. ➡️