AI-Powered Coding Assistants: A Comparative Analysis of Copilot and Bito(Part 3)

Syed Huma Shah
7 min readNov 19, 2023

Exploring the Frontiers of Interactive AI in Coding

Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

The second article of the series covered the security and performance checks use case. This article in our series turns to the interactive chat experience offered by AI code assistant tools. In this scenario, we’ll particularly focus on Bito, exploring its capabilities in creating an interactive chatbot for customer support. Unlike Bito, GitHub Copilot doesn’t feature an interactive chat experience, so this analysis will solely reflect Bito’s performance in this domain.

Scenario 3: Interactive Chat Experience

  • Linked Features: Interactive Learning and Queries, Customization and Personalization, and Integration with IDEs.
  • Objective: Beyond just code suggestions, the interactive experience with an AI assistant is crucial. This scenario will involve a series of interactions with each tool, gauging their responsiveness, adaptability to individual coding styles, and the overall chat experience within the IDE environment.

Interactive Chat Experience

Coding Task: Creating an interactive chatbot for customer support.

Detailed Prompt: I’m looking to create an interactive chatbot for customer support of a retail website that mainly sells female clothes. I need assistance in designing the chatbot’s conversation flow, best practices, and instant code snippets.

In today’s digital age, chatbots have become an integral part of customer support, providing instant responses and addressing user queries efficiently. However, designing an interactive chatbot that offers a seamless user experience requires a combination of technical expertise and a deep understanding of user needs. This is where Bito’s real-time collaboration and guidance come into play.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash


Input 1:

I’m looking to create an interactive chatbot for customer support of a retail website that mainly sells female clothes. I need assistance in designing the chatbot’s conversation flow, best practices, and instant code snippets.

Output 1:

I can definitely assist you with designing the conversation flow for your customer support chatbot and provide you with best practices and code snippets.

Here are some steps to get started:

1. Define the chatbot’s purpose: Determine the specific goals and objectives of your chatbot. For customer support, it could be addressing common queries, providing product information, assisting with order tracking, etc.

2. Identify user intents: Analyze the typical questions and requests that your customers might have. Some common intents for a retail clothing website could include inquiries about sizing, returns, shipping, or product recommendations.

3. Create a conversation flow: Map out the different paths a conversation can take based on user intents. Start with a welcome message and then branch out into various topics and subtopics. Consider using a decision tree-like structure to guide the chatbot’s responses.

4. Use natural language understanding (NLU): Implement an NLU system to understand user inputs and extract relevant information. This will help your chatbot accurately interpret and respond to user queries. Popular NLU platforms include Dialogflow,, and Rasa.

5. Craft responses: Write conversational and helpful responses for each user intent. Keep the tone friendly and personalized to enhance the user experience. Consider including dynamic elements like product images or links to provide more information.

6. Handle fallbacks: Account for scenarios where the chatbot may not understand or provide a satisfactory response. Design fallback responses to gracefully handle such situations and offer alternative options like redirecting to a human agent if necessary.

7. Test and iterate: Test your chatbot with sample conversations and gather feedback. Continuously iterate and improve the conversation flow based on user interactions and analytics. As for code snippets, it would depend on the platform or programming language you plan to use for building the chatbot. Let me know your preference, and I can provide you with some relevant code examples.

Input 2:

Implement an NLU system to understand user inputs and provide responses. provide code for a chatbot in python based on the conversation flow discussed in the previous message.

Output 2:

Certainly! Here’s an example of how you can implement an NLU system and build a chatbot in Python based on the conversation flow we discussed earlier.

For this example, we’ll use the DialogFlow API for NLU and the Flask web framework for creating a basic chatbot server:

1. Install required libraries:

pip install flask
pip install dialogflow

2. Import necessary modules:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import dialogflow
import os

3. Configure Dialogflow credentials:

os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "path/to/your/dialogflow_credentials.json"

4. Create a Flask app:

app = Flask(__name__)

5. Create a route for handling chatbot requests:

@app.route('/chatbot', methods=['POST'])
def chatbot():
request_data = request.get_json()
user_message = request_data['message']
response = detect_intent(user_message)
return jsonify(response)
def detect_intent(user_message):
session_client = dialogflow.SessionsClient()
session = session_client.session_path("your-project-id", "unique-session-id")
text_input = dialogflow.TextInput(text=user_message, language_code='en')
query_input = dialogflow.QueryInput(text=text_input)
response = session_client.detect_intent(session=session, query_input=query_input)
return response.query_result.fulfillment_text

6. Run the Flask app:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code sets up a basic Flask server with a /chatbot endpoint that receives user messages, sends them to DialogFlow for NLU processing, and returns the chatbot’s response. Make sure you replace “path/to/your/dialogflow_credentials.json” with the actual path to your DialogFlow service account credentials JSON file, and “your-project-id” with your DialogFlow project ID.

You can test the chatbot by sending a POST request to http://localhost:5000/chatbot with the following JSON payload:


“message”: “Hello”


The server will respond with the chatbot’s message. Remember to customize and expand the code based on your specific conversation flow and requirements. Note: This is a simplified example, and you may need to handle additional features like user authentication, session management, and error handling based on your application’s needs.

Bito vs. Copilot

In the realm of creating an interactive chatbot for customer support, the distinction between Bito and Copilot becomes evident.

Here’s a comparative analysis:

  • Interactive Feedback Loop:

Bito: Bito excels in its ability to engage in a fluid conversation. It doesn’t just provide a one-off solution but iteratively refines its suggestions based on user feedback. This ensures that the user receives a solution tailored to their specific needs.

Copilot: While Copilot can provide code suggestions, it lacks the capability for a refined back-and-forth conversation. Users might find themselves providing more explicit instructions or clarifications in comments, which can disrupt the flow of coding.

  • Depth of Understanding:

Bito: Bito’s approach is comprehensive. It starts by understanding the specific needs, then delves deep into crafting conversation flows, implementing fallback mechanisms, and even providing code snippets. The guidance is holistic, ensuring every aspect of chatbot creation is covered.

Copilot: Copilot provides foundational code suggestions. While these can be a good starting point, they might not always capture the nuances or intricacies of a specific use case.

  • Real-time Collaboration:

Bito: One of Bito’s standout features is its real-time guidance. This ensures that users receive immediate, relevant solutions, streamlining the chatbot design process.

Copilot: Copilot, while efficient in code completions, doesn’t offer the same level of real-time interactive guidance. The experience can sometimes feel more like code suggestion rather than collaboration.

  • Relevance to Developers:

Bito: For developers aiming to create a state-of-the-art chatbot, Bito’s approach is invaluable. Its ability to provide context, explain the rationale behind suggestions, and engage in a meaningful conversation ensures developers not only get code but also understand its implications.

Copilot: While Copilot is a powerful tool for code completions, it falls short in providing a chatbot-like experience. The lack of a refined conversational interface can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or missed opportunities in code optimization.

  • User Experience:

Bito: Bito’s user experience is akin to having an expert collaborator by your side. The platform’s ability to understand, iterate, and refine based on user input ensures a seamless experience.

Copilot: Some users have noted that while Copilot is excellent for code suggestions, it doesn’t always capture the essence of what’s being asked, especially in more complex scenarios. The experience isn’t as conversational, which can be a limitation for those seeking a more interactive approach.

In conclusion, while both Bito and Copilot offer valuable tools for developers, Bito’s interactive approach, comprehensive guidance, and real-time collaboration make it a more refined choice for those aiming to design interactive chatbots. The platform’s ability to engage in meaningful conversations, understand user needs, and provide contextually relevant solutions positions it a step ahead, especially for intricate tasks like chatbot creation.


In the evolving landscape of AI-powered coding assistants, both Bito and GitHub Copilot have carved out their niches, offering distinct advantages to developers. Bito, with its seamless integration, advanced technology, and contextual understanding, provides a holistic coding experience. Its real-time collaboration feature facilitates a dynamic chat experience, allowing developers to engage in iterative dialogues, ensuring that the AI comprehends the developer’s intent.

This is complemented by Bito’s comprehensive assistance, which goes beyond mere code snippets to offer in-depth guidance on various coding aspects. The platform’s emphasis on data privacy and security further underscores its commitment to user trust.

On the other hand, GitHub Copilot, with its focus on code suggestions and GitHub integration, is a valuable tool for developers who prioritize quick code completions and seamless GitHub workflows. Its strength lies in providing immediate code suggestions, making it particularly beneficial for developers who are well-versed with their coding requirements and seek rapid auto-completions.

However, where Bito distinguishes itself is in its broader language support, customizability, and independent operation. Features like expanded contextual memory, custom prompt templates, and the Diff View feature make Bito a versatile tool, catering to a diverse range of developers across various platforms and languages. Its integration with GPT-4 further amplifies its intelligence, offering unparalleled insights and solutions.

It’s essential to acknowledge that both tools have their strengths, and the ultimate decision rests on what aligns best with a developer’s specific requirements and workflow.

In the grand scheme of things, while GitHub Copilot is a commendable tool for specific coding tasks, Bito emerges as a more comprehensive solution, offering an enriched and collaborative coding experience that caters to a broader spectrum of developer needs.

The full series of analysis is available in the following links:



Syed Huma Shah

Senior Machine Learning Engineer | Applying AI to solve real-world problems