All About Dates: The sweet miracle fruit from the desert

Enrich your diet and boost immunity with this nutrition powerhouse!

Nalini Arya
3 min readNov 27, 2022


Dates, sometimes referred to as Khajur in Hindi, make a fantastic all-natural sweetener. Although Egyptians had been making wine from them far earlier, it was considered that they came from Iran. Dates are tropical fruits that develop on date palm trees.

Photo by Glenov Brankovic on Unsplash


Dates are one of the most popular and delicious fruits brimming with protein, Vitamins, and minerals. The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions.

People consume dates in several ways, such as mixing the paste of the dates with milk, yogurt, or with bread, or butter to make them even more delicious. Select soft and shiny dates and store them in an airtight container at room temperature or in a refrigerator to retain their freshness and flavor.

Types of Dates

Medjool Dates

  • Size: Medjool dates are huge and have a fibrous texture.
  • Colour: Also it comes in reddish-brown.
  • Origins: Medjool dates are cultivated in Morocco, Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
  • Taste: They are soft and sweet.


  • Size: Omani is one of the best varieties of dates which are generally large in size.
  • Colour: Omani dates are dark brown in color.
  • Origin: As the name itself suggests that it originates from Oman, Middle East.
  • Taste: These are juicy and sweet in taste.


  • Size: Piarom dates are long, thin, and oval, which count around 2 to 5 cm in size.
  • Colour: Furthermore, they are semi-dried dates and have dark brown to black colored skin.
  • Origins: These are grown in the Persian Gulf and middle east areas.
  • Taste: Piarom has a unique sweet taste, with toffee and caramel features.


  • Size: Barhi dates are small, 2 to 3–4 cm in length and diameter, and have around to oval shape.
  • Colour: Barhi dates are yellow.
  • Origins: Its origin lies in Iraq.
  • Taste: Barhi is the sweetest and creamiest date, which also somewhat tastes like caramel, butterscotch, brown sugar, and syrup.


  • Size: Moreover, Halawy is a small to medium date fruit whose flesh is delicate and pale.
  • Colour: It has golden-brown skin.
  • Origins: Halawy dates come from Mesopotamia.
  • Taste: Also, they are delighting, soft, and caramel-honey-like in taste.


  • Size: Kalmi is one of the variants of Safawi dates. They are small and cylindrical in size.
  • Colour: Kalmi dates are black in color.
  • Origins: These types of khajoor are from Oman but cultivated in Madinah.
  • Taste: Also, they are of the usual date flavor with enriched sweetness.

Word of Caution

Although dates carry tremendous nutritional value, great care should be taken in their selection because their surface is very sticky, which often attracts various impurities. Therefore, make sure to wash them thoroughly before you eat them, as this will help remove the impurities present on the surface.

Try including dry dates as a part of your diet in moderate amounts to reap their many benefits :)

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Nalini Arya

Energy Healer, Author, Mindfulness Leader, Spiritual Nutritionist, Vastu Expert