All for one and one for all!

Everywhere I look, I see the same things. The same people. The same faces. Dressed the same, consuming the same, doing the same.

Ibrahim Efe
4 min readApr 17, 2024


When looking at nature do we see just one color. For example, blue. What if all flowers, trees, grass were all the color blue. Just one color — blue. Where would the beauty be in this. Its uniqueness and what makes it special. Would it still inspire us and gives us good vibes? Maybe, if your favorite color is blue but still, I highly doubt it. Would we still want to look at it for hours. Couldn’t take our eyes off of it.

In a world where the differences that make up the whole are what makes this life beautiful and interesting to explore, what exploring can we do if everyone we encounter looks the same, inside and out.

The global agenda is manipulating us and making us lose our differences (uniqueness) in the name of globalism. Nation states are becoming a thing of the past. Obsolete. The notion of different ideas is dangerous now. It’s considered dissent and disrupting peace. One idea and one way of thinking is being forced on us all. Quietly. Peacefully.

If we don’t believe whatever they say on main stream media, we get branded as terrorists or conspiracy theorists. There is only one source of information and it’s their source of information. That’s it. Any alternate outlet is either misinforming or disinforming.

it’s easier to control one type of person rather than a multitude of different ideas, beliefs, cultures, languages,…

The buzz words they use to carry out their hidden agenda are words that will deem a naysayer as a terrorist, dangerous to society, a human rights usurper and put you on the outskirts of society so you can die alone as a misfit crazy person.

They like to use words like for democracy, human rights, equality, freedom so contra arguments can’t be made against them. As if these are the true goals on their minds’.

The problem is that these concepts only apply to a select few. The rest of the world can die dreaming of one day becoming like the “chosen” few Western countries who are at the pinnacle of society.

The funny thing is that those countries who advocate the spreading of these concepts are also those who work behind the curtains to prevent this from happening so their countries can remain at the peak, be revered by the rest, and control the masses.

Does it only seem absurd to me that in such an age when we have unthinkable tech gadgets like the Tesla, Apple Vision Pro, ChatGPT, there are still millions of people dying of hunger where in the West millions are dying from an excess of food. How are basic needs still not being met by millions?

too little have much more than is needed whereas the many have less than the bare minimum necessary to stay alive.

I think it’s apparent that another kind of game is at play here. A game that is played in front of our eyes and the only role given to us is that of spectator. They make the rules, can change it anytime and we are only lookers-on. We are the ones who face the consequences. Even the apparent ‘losers’ of the game are winners in a broader scale. This is just a different type of game. A kind that we have never seen nor played.

All in the name of democracy, freedom, we are being told to lose our identities, our culture, what makes us unique and this world a special place to live. They are telling us that these don’t matter anymore. That those who fought and died in war for the sovereignty of their countries’ died in vain. That our differences divide us so we need to be alike — to live in peace and harmony. And, of course, so it’s easier to control us.

The world is a beautiful place to experience because of all of these differences but now we are being told that it’s the reason why there is poverty, racism, hunger, war, hate, and chaos.

How are we going to build a future if we have no past — a strong base — a foundation to start. What’s going to be our reference point.

God could’ve created everyone the same — skin color, one language, one race, one gender — but that’s not the case now is it. God created different cultures, lands, geographies because each soul is unique in the eyes of God. Each soul has its own purpose and path in this life. A reason for their creation. Given a different duty in this world. Our job is to work hard to keep it this way.

Sameness will only take us further away from God than we already are in the first place because to be the same means to disobey God’s will for us.

That is what we are doing. We are disrespecting and destroying God’s creative beauty.

I say yes to coming together but this doesn’t mean that we need to be the same to be able to come together and live in peace. It means we need to learn to love our differences and learn from them but keep our uniqueness. Cherish and preserve it. Only then will we have true freedom and equality for all. And life will be a joy for us all.

